The secret

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Silence...but as well as...noise? It's light to be seen. But you didn't seem to care much. You couldn't feel anything. Only the feeling of falling into the never-ending void. So you just close your eyes as you give in to it. What else could you do? But you start hear something... or rather someone? It sounds as if they're calling out to you, desperately, but you couldn't understand where the sound was coming from. There was a painful, white noise ringing in your ears. But the calling didn't stop. You open your eyes half way and try searching for it. There was light. It felt...warm. You start reaching for it as it keeps coming closer towards you. It sucked you in and more of that painful ringing noise.

You open your eyes to a blue sky above and a boy crouching next to you, looking at you.
"Hey, are you okay?" He spoke in a calm voice. You slowly sit up, feeling your head ache and hiss from the pain.
"Does your head hurt? I can get you some water if you'd like." The boy put his hand on your back as to help you stand up. You quickly move his hand away and stand up by yourself.

 The warm wind and the salty breeze hits your face. It feels rather nice. As you try taking a step, you stumble backwards and the boy suddenly catches you.
"Whoa there! Careful. You might hurt yourself even more." More? What does he mean by that? You look at your arms and legs only to see a bunch of little cuts and bruises. You suddenly feel dizzy. It looks as if he saw you begin to lose consciousness and quickly picks you up. He starts running somewhere but before you could even say anything, you pass out.

There you were, in the white room once again. It felt different from the black room. Warmer. You could actually think and walk around. You decided to walk around to see if there was anything else in this strange room but nothing. You sigh and lie down on the strangely soft floor. What is this place? Feeling tired, you close your eyes and then-

You wake up with cold sweat like from kind of nightmate, gasping for air. As you try thinking of what just happened, you feel a hand being placed on your shoulder. Quickly looking up, you see that boy again, now with a concerned expression.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, removing his hand, seeing how uncomfortable you were.
"Y-yeah..." You answer quietly. He sighs and lies down on the bed, covering his eyes with his arm, with his legs still dangling at the edge of the bed. You then remember how you Wait, what actually is this place?

You look around the quite spacious and light bedroom, with a couple of posters on the walls. The bed felt so soft and warm you almost didn't want to ever get up. You try to remember what happened and realise that you don't remember anything, except who you are. You knew who the boy was too since you could see the gem through his shirt on his belly button.

"So what's your name?" You say, trying to break the comfortable silence.
"Steven Universe. What about you?" He says without bothering to look up at you.
"Y/n L/n".

"Well, do you remember how you got there on the beach with all those...cuts?" When he says that, he looks at you and his expression changes quite quickly, and not in a good way.
"What the...? I swear there were- nevermind." He sighs once again and stands up, going to his closet and picking up some clothes. He tosses them on the bed for you.

"Here. You should change into these and come downstairs to eat." He says as he leaves the room. You get out of the warm bed and pick up the clothes that he gave you. There was a red shirt with a yellow star in the middle and some blue shorts. They smell so nice... You face-palm and quickly change into them. The shirt seems to be a bit big for you but at least the shorts fit well. 

'I hope he didn't see my gem...' You think to yourself before going down the stairs. The smell of sweet pankaces overwhelms any other smell in the house as you go and sit by the kitchen counter. He doesn't even turn to look at you and quickly finishes cooking the food, placing it in front of you and giving you a fork, as well as some syrup. When you pick up the fork, you feel him sit next to you, his hand holding his head as he looks at you. He doesn't look at all troubled, unlike you, who feels really awkward and uncomfortable. There's tention in the room.

"Are you not going to eat?" He says, finally breaking the silence as you look up at him. He had a very bored and uninterested expression on his face, but once you make eye contact with him, he smirks at you, startling you and resulting in you stuttering out your answer.
"I d-don't think I'm hungry..." Immediately, he proceeds to take away your plate and place it further away from you.
"Whatever you say, shortie." He...giggles?! You didn't think a rude guy like him could even do such a thing.
"Could I, um...use the bathroom for a bit?" He nods as you rush in there.

Steven's POV

Well that was weird. I can't believe I'm actually doing this... Letting a complete stranger stay in my house without the gems even knowing yet. What was I thinking? Bismuth could just build her a house at Little Homeschool but for some reason, I want her to stay here. The way she gets shy when I tease her is kind of cute. It makes me feel like a kid again, having their first crush. But I can't be like this. I'm not a little kid anymore.

Around 15 minutes have already passed. Is she alright there? I remember not hearing her lock the door so it's probably okay to just come in and see if she's good. She can't possibly be naked in there, no way. I'll just check in case something bad happened.

"Hey y/n? Are you good in...there?" As I open the door, I see a dark green gem on her bare back. She quickly turns to me and both of our faces turn completely red as I shut the door as quick as I can. What the hell was that?!
"Care to explain what I just saw??" I yell, shocked and confused. I can't believe it... Another hybrid just like me? Why didn't she tell me sooner? I've never seen a gem like that before.
"I'm sorry...I didn't want you to find out." She says quietly. I feel her leaning against the door.
"I don't understand. Why hide such a thing from me? I mean, I know we just met but I've never seen a half gem like me before." I sigh. Should I tell the other gems about this? But I don't want to talk to them right now...
"I will explain everything if you just let me out okay?" She says nervously. I realise that I was holding the door shut.
"R-right! Just don't lie about your identity to me." I open the door for her.

Thanks so much for reading!

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