Chapter 12

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I watch as she walks away. Why did I kiss her? If Connie finds out about this, I'm dead. I swallow. I hear her coming back from the kitchen but she didn't come towards me. Instead, with a black stare, she went towards the door and left. I was left alone in the silence, confused. Was she mad at me? Where did she go? I stand up and run to the door. She was walking away pretty fast. I go outside and try to catch up to her.
"Where are you going all of a sudden?!" I yell to her.
"To look around Beach City more!" She yells back to me. I stop. To look around? Why at this time? Couldn't I have just gone with her? I grunt and turn back, walking back to the house.

The gems were working in Little Homeworld every day. I, of course, found myself a job so that I could make my own money and not just ask my dad for it all the time. He still had a lot of it left though I'm sure he got tired of me asking. I sit down on the couch and browse through my phone. Suddenly, I stop on a photo on Birdstagram. It was Y/n. I quickly get up and look at it more. She looked completely different. Her hair was a bright red color and she actually looked happy for once. There was someone else with her though. A guy. It looks like they were in a car together, going somewhere. Where? Who is he? More importantly, where is he? I click on the profile. There were a few more photos, but that was the only one that the guy was in. Why?

Y/n's POV

Stupid Steven! Why did he kiss me? He has a girlfriend! Ugh, I'm an idiot too for giving in to it. I couldn't stand it anymore so I just left the house. I'll have to come back eventually but not now. I seriously need to cool down. While walking, I decided to finally visit Little Homeworld and see what it's all about. As I was walking there, lots of different kind of gems greeted me. They all looked so friendly and happy. Is this all really because of Steven? I finally reach the gate. There were even more gems here, all having fun together. I take a deep breath and walk around. It looks like most of them have their own houses here. They even dressed with human clothes. Others were in relationships. Eating food. And I thought gems don't need to eat.

I walk around a bit more and see a very different gem. It was a bismuth. Her gem was beautiful. A bit flustered, I walk up to her. Two other gems were next to her. A lapis and a peridot. I don't know how I knew their gems but I did. They all turn to me and smile.
"H-hello... My name is Y/n. I'm a friend of Steven Universe. I-I don't know if he ever mentioned me"
"Well it's nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm Bismuth and these two are my friends, Lapis and Peridot" the two wave to me. I was amazed. For some reason, I couldn't stop looking at them, like they were some in real life characters from a TV show.
"So Y/n, what brings you here? I know every person who lives in Beach City but I've never seen you around here. Are you new?" Bismuth asked me with a big smile. The other two were chatting with each other so they probably weren't listening.
"Oh, um... well I- don't know how I got here?" I chuckle nervously as I shrug. Bismuth raises an eyebrow.
"Oh really? How did you meet Steven then?" As soon as she said his name, the other two turned back to us again.
"Well uhhh... apparently, he found me on the beach, unconscious so....yeahh" I scratch the back of my back. The three look a bit confused as they eye me up and down.

"So you don't remember anything?" Lapis asks me. I shake my head. Bismuth thinks for a bit before putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Well, I'm sure Steven will help you get your memories back." She smiles at me. I liked her positivity.
"How about we show you around more Y/N?" Lapis once again speaks up. I loved her voice. I nod excited. The three giggle. Peridot's giggle made me laugh even more. It made her flustered. I then quickly apologized. Peridot said that she didn't mind it. I felt like I could get used to hanging out with them. They seemed nice. I wanted to know more about them.

After a few hours I have finally seen all of Little Homeworld and have met every single gem that lived there. Some told me stories about their past, the gem war, while others gave me stuff like cookies and plushies. I had to choose between a fox and a rabbit. I, of course, chose the fox. After my fight with Steven, I couldn't forget about it.
"Going for the red one eh?" Bismuth giggled. I didn't understand why.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"Your hair- it's red like the sunset, so it's obvious you'd go for the fox" she smiled at me and tilted her head a bit. I was shocked. I quickly gave Peridot to hold the plushy and looked everywhere for a mirror. When I finally found one, I was even more scared. My hair was bright red, almost like blood. Since when? I don't remember it being red when I left this morning.
"F-for how long has my hair been like this?" I quickly turn to Bismuth and the others for answers.
"Since you came here?" Peridot snickers. I was even more scared, not even knowing why. My body was shaking a bit. Bismuth comes closer to me and once again kneels down and places her big hand on my small shoulder.
"Is everything okay? You can tell us anything but of course, we won't pressure you to or anything." I felt so comfortable around them, even if I haven't know them for long.
"Thank you. There is something I would like to say."

We all went to a different place, away from the other gems, making sure no one was around to hear what I was about to say. They all sat down on the ground along with me in a circle.
"So? What is it that you want to say?" Lapis asks, now holding the red fox that she took from Peridot.
"I'm- I'm a half gem, just like Steven" I say nervously while looking at the ground. Silence. Hesitating, I look up to see their reactions. Their eyes and mouth were wide open. Should I have not told them this? I was getting even more nervous by the second.
"Are you for real?!" I hear Peridot yell. When I look at her, instead of seeing an angry face, I see her with a big smile on her face and with little stars in her eyes. She was standing up now. Something about that made me relieved. The other two stood up as well and they all gave me a big group hug. I still couldn't really comprehend what just happened.
"That's amazing Y/n! I thought only diamonds could do that kind of thing, since you know, Steven exist but you! What kind of gem do you have?" The three finally give me personal space but now they just look at me.
"A bloodstone" I blankly said with no expression.

Their smiles disappear as well as their excitement. I tilted my head a bit, confused on why. Then, I remembered what the other three told me and gasped almost. I started backing away slowly, thinking they're gonna do something bad to me like lock me away somewhere or even try to shatter my gem.
"Wait Y/n! It's okay! Don't worry about it. It's just that... I don't think any of us have heard that name is a while so it just took us by surprise." Bismuth reassured me. I took a deep breath.
"But...may I have a look on your gem?" Bismuth asked carefully. After thinking about it for a bit, I nod. I turn my back to them and take off my shirt. It was quite embarrassing but no one else was around so it wasn't that bad. I hear Lapis gasp for a moment and the three whispering. By that, I assumed that I could put my shirt back on.
"Well? What is it?" I turn back to them and ask.
"You really do have her gem..." Bismuth finally says. She didn't look so happy and positive anymore. The other two were just looking down at the ground awkwardly.
"W-well, is that a problem?! I'm not her so there's nothing to worry about." I finally say out of frustration. They all look at me.
"You're right, we're sorry. It's just that... what she did..." Lapis scratches the back of her neck.
"No, Y/n is right. She's gone and the past is the past so let's just move on." Bismuth finally says what I wanted to hear.

"Would you like to go somewhere else now? To get your mind off of things" Bismuth suggests. I sigh and nod. We leave that area and get some food that the other gems were making for other people and themselves. They didn't need to eat but they did it anyways. No one mentioned anything about my gem the rest of the day. Soon, night came. They said their goodbyes to me but I stood there as they walked away. I didn't wanna go back to Steven. As I remembered what he did to me, I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter.
"Um..." I try to speak up. They stop and turn back to me. No one else was around. They just stand there and wait for my response. I was just looking at the ground, embarrassed. Crap, what do I say? I don't wanna go back.
"I had fun hanging out with you guys and I hope I can do the same sometime soon" I look up at them and smile. They smile back to me and wave as they walk away. When they're out of sight, I face-palm. That was not what I wanted to say! Well, it was kinda but not right now!

I sigh at my stupidity and turn around, slowly beginning to go back. Since I had nowhere else to go, I just had to go back to his house, no matter how much I didn't want to see his face right now. Half way there I noticed that something wasn't right. Someone was following me. I don't think they knew and I didn't want to turn around to see so that I wouldn't get attacked. I quicken my pace. They try to catch up. As I quickly turn the corner I stand there, waiting for them to come here too. As expected, they do that. When they see my standing by the wall, they get scared and back away slowly.
"Who are you and why are you following me?!" I say aggressively as I come closer to them. They were still backing away.
"I uh-" he was trembling. I could now tell they were a he because I could see his face now in the light of the street-lamps. For some reason, he looked familiar but I couldn't understand why. He clears his throat which made me snap out of my thoughts.
"You... don't remember who I am, huh?" He puts his hands down and smile awkwardly. What is he talking about? I raise an eyebrow.
"Ah, so you really don't." He scratches the back of his neck. So he really must know who I was before.
"Who are you?"
"It's me Luca. Your boyfriend."

Aaaand that's chapter 12 done! Phew, sorry for the wait. It's pretty late for me as I post this and I just finished this chapter so I don't know if there's any grammar mistakes or not. Don't have a lot to say other than thanks so much for reading!

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