What you do that makes them mad

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Sherlock hated it when you "cleaned up" all of his stuff. You would come home from the store and he would be running like a mad man through the flat yelling about one thing or another. As soon as he saw you he always stopped and demanded to know where you had put things. He always knew where everything was but once you cleaned he had no idea where anything was. He would freak out for a while till you found it or him. He once tore the flat apart because he couldn't find a butter knife. One of the only places he had neglected to look was the silverware Drawer.


You're not a drunk, but sometimes you would drink a little too much. John hated it. You would drink too much at some bar with your friends and they would always have to call him to come get you. It aggravated him to see you so hammered that you could walk up the stairs to the front door alone. He didn't mind that he had to take care of you; he minded that you would be carless. He didn't want you to get hurt and when you got too drunk you were an easy target for anything. He always scolded you in the morning.


Mycroft despised your tendency to be late. Where he would sometimes miss a dinner, you would show up 10 or 15 minutes late, consistently. He had even started telling you that all your plans were 20 minutes before then were scheduled so that you would be one time. He aspecaly got mad about it for events like state dinners. But the time he really Infuriated him was when you showed up 14 minutes late to tea with the queen. She had not minded but when you got home Mycroft lost it at you. You both worked it out though, but you still show up late to things.


There is a saying that "men never act for directions" this is not always true. In some cases it's the opposite, like with you and Greg. You always insisted on driving whenever you guys were heading out of the city, however you always got lost. You missed turns or took the wrong turn and always argued with Greg about whether or not you were lost. Even with GPS on your phone you still refused to turn it on or let Greg drive. The two of you would fight until finally you couldn't logically Deny the fact that you were lost. Then you would finally let Greg drive while you sat in the passenger seat rather irritated and embraced.


Jim has never liked it when you had to seduce people while out on assignment. He hated the idea of you flirting with other people and he especially hated it when you actually had to sleep with them. He always snapped at you and threatened to kill those people. You would remind him that if he killed those people they wouldn't have valuable assets in multiple countries' governments. He would still be upset with you though. And more often than not when Jim didn't have use of those people any more they had very tragic "Accidents". 

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