The Black Swordsman vs. Trihexa!

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From Last Time!


F/n saw Trihexa about to stomp on him, much to his uninterest and the shock of others...and the hope of certain ones.

Some of the people like Issei, Saji, and Team CRDL were happy to see him die and out the world for good.

Issei:Yeah! Die, you bastard! Then, you'll be out of everyone's way, including mine!

Cardin:Yeah, there's no way you'll survive! It's for the best for everyone anyway!


Trihexa stomped on F/n, seemingly killing him.

Everyone just froze, except for those who despised F/n.

Unfortunately for them...

A bright light came from underneath the beast's foot and roared out in pain and fell back, destroying some more buildings.

Issei/Saji/CRDL/Yang (in disbelief):Wait, what!?

F/n was seen standing in the middle of a crater, Omnipotent in his hands.

F/n was seen standing in the middle of a crater, Omnipotent in his hands

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F/n:Keep your grimy feet off of me!

F/n then rushed at the beast, much to the shocked looks of everyone.

Everyone:*How is he alive!?/He's supposed to be fucking dead!*

The beast recovered and tried to stomp on F/n again, but F/n dodged this time and stabbed it in the leg, causing it to roar in intense pain. F/n then began to run up it's leg, dragging Omnipotent up the wound. Trihexa tried to smack him, but...

F/n:Hell no!

F/n raised Omnipotent and a beam of light pierced through its hand, spilling blood everywhere. Leaping towards that wrist...F/n slashed its hand clean off. The ones down below was forced to dodge as the giant hand fell towards them and nearly crushed them.

Issei:Okay, how the hell is he doing all this!?

And it was all true. Nothing, not even the Boosted Gear, Power of Destruction, or Amaterasu, could leave so much as a scratch on it.

F/n:*No wonder this damn thing was forced to be sealed over and over countless times. Nothing was able to do what I have done.*

F/n then sensed something and saw the beast breath Hell-Fire down on him. However, the only thing that happened...was his outfit getting burned and scratched up.

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