Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I walked out of the studio, completely confused and overwhelmed by the recent flurry of events that happened. How was I to reject either one of them? One of them, my childhood friend, who although is a big bully to me, still treats me really nicely and is still a good friend. And the other, the girl who I was always crushing on since a long time ago, who plucked up her courage to ask me to go out with her. Both were different girls with different charms, but I couldn't bear to harm my relationship with either of them.

I took out my phone and scrolled to the "Shin" section. There, were both of their names, one above the other, Shin Ryujin and Shin Yuna. I tapped on one of their numbers, about to call one of them, but I didn't dare to call-- I was too afraid. I sent a message instead.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you to the party. I have my reasons and I'm sorry to suddenly change my mind, but this party is more than just a party, for me especially. I'm sorry and I hope you're not upset.

My finger hovered over the "Send" button. I didn't dare to send it because if I did, everything would be changed forever, and I would never be able to change it back. I closed my eyes and summoned all my courage, and pressed the button.


It was the day of the party. Decked out in a sort of casual wear, I waited at the bus stop for her to come.

"Yo kiddo, are you ready to have the party of your life!" One could sense the electrifying excitement in her. I nodded glumly, secretly thinking, "What might have been" if it was not Ryujin, but Yuna beside me now. At this point, I was really conflicted. On one hand, I felt disappointed that I wouldn't be going to the party with Yuna, and I was really afraid of what she would do if she saw me with Ryujin. Would she get the wrong idea? But, on the other hand, I too was overflowing with excitement. Shin Ryujin, even with all her pluses and minuses, was still my childhood friend and still a cool person to hang out with. I didn't want to be a spoilsport and ruin everyone's mood.

As we sat on the bus, I was lost deep in thought and stared blankly out of the window. Ryujin tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked.

Sometimes, when Ryujin shows her feminine side, I can't help but think she's quite girly and sweet and cute and attractive and stuff like that. But she rarely shows it to anyone, let alone me. I told her about how I actually really really wanted to go to the party with Yuna and was afraid that she would get the wrong idea if she saw me and Ryujin together.

"Okay, we're just going there as friends. And if it really matters to you that much, I'll leave you alone for most of the party. I just want you to go say hi to Hyejoo and the rest of the girls with me and have the final dance with me, okay?"

"It's not that I don't want to hang out with you. It's just... I don't want Yuna to misunderstand..." I trailed off.

"I get it, it's completely fine. I just want you to be happy, okay? So, deal?"

She stretched out her hand and we shook on it. I was just going to accompany her to say hi to Hyejoo and the girls, and then I could roam freely until it was time for the final dance, where Ryujin would be my dance partner and I would share a dance with her. It seemed like there was almost no way Yuna would misunderstand and think that Ryujin and I were a couple or something.

But little did I know what Ryujin had in store for me.

Shin Ryujin, you little scheming, lying wench.

Ryujin, Yuna and I: A high-school storyWhere stories live. Discover now