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Wooyoung P.O.V

„Come on Wooyoug, hurry up we are late for class!"
I opened my eyes and it was morning.
I removed my blanket und stood up from my bed.
„I dreamed of her." i smiled cause I never really dreamed of her.I always begged please let me dream of her,just one dream but it never happened.

I went into the kitchen and made my coffee.
I was so surprised meeting her again...

Flashback Yesterday

Again a class reunion....I didn't want to come today but I was forced by Jongho.I came every year in hope that Haewon would come too.But she never did so I didn't have any hope today.

„There he is."
In front of the door I met Jongho and the girls.
„Let's go in." when we entered I heard everyone whispering."Did something happen?"
When I looked at the table near the window my eyes widened.
My heart was beating like crazy, and I couldn't move.
„That's Haewon." Hani said.
„Hey Wooyoung, I reserved your seat next to me." Jisoo said annoyingly, but I ignored her.
I couldn't stop looking away from her.
„What are you waiting for? Let's go sit down next to Haewon." Jongho said and I tried being cool...

-Flashback end-

After getting out of shower I got ready for university.
„Damn.I totally forgot asking her which university she is visiting."
But I had her number, I can ask her later.
I put in my earphones and walked toward the bus stop, waiting for the bus.

When I reached the university gate, I could see that everyone was so excited.I looked around until I saw the others.
„Hey we searched you everywhere." Jongho said.
„I was taking a look around the university."
„Lets go class is starting." Hani said and we made our way to class.

The day ended and I was ready to go home.Again I wanted to put in my earphones, until I saw Haewon standing at the gate.
I started to smile because I was so happy to see her.
I put my earphones away and went to talk to her.
„Hey Haewon." she turned around and my heart starting beating.
„Oh? Wooyoung is this the university you visit?"
„Yes.I think it's the same for you?" she nodded.
„What are you doing here not going home?"

„I am waiting for Haru."
„Ah sorry I didn't tell you his name right? I meant my boyfriend he wanted to pick me up."
I felt the pain in my chest.For a moment I totally forgot, that she has a boyfriend."

„Look who is here.It's my disloyal ex best friend."
This annoying voice.I immediately knew whose it was.
„Jisoo.Its been a long time." Haewon said smiling.
„What do you want Jisoo? get lost." I said
„Hey I just wanted to greet her,relax."
I hated her.Back then she made Haewon cry so much and bullied her, even though they were friends before. Haewon wouldn't tell me the reason why she did something like that.

„You really are amazing Haewon.First you betrayed me and now you are cheating on your boyfriend?"
„Stop it Jisoo!"
„No Wooyoung let her talk.I want to hear more of her bullshit." I was surprised.
Haewon was grinning ...back then she would have started crying and I would get her out of such situations, but now...she was like a different person.
„What did you say bullshit?!"
„Yes.Cause that's all what comes out of your filthy mouth." I tried to hold back my laughter.
„How dare you little bitch-„ she wanted to grab Haewons hair but before she could, Haewon already started pulling hers.

„Now listen.Back then you made my life a hell, but now I am different.Don't think I will take your bullshit for granted.When you want to have a peaceful college life stay away from me.Did you understand?"
she let go of her hair and Jisoo started screaming being annoyed.
„How dare you?!"
„Listen girl. The boy you met yesterday, does he know that you were hugging and kissing an another guy at the campus today?"
„What did you say?"
„Take care of your life and don't worry about me cheating." Without saying anything Jisoo left with anger.

„Who is cheating?" I heard a voice and Haewon started smiling.
„Finally.Why did you take so long?"
„Sorry too much traffic." she hugged the man.So this is her boyfriend.
„Wasn't that Jisoo?" he asked.
„Yup.She thought I was cheating on you with Wooyoung." he started laughing.
He was really tall and good looking...I clenched my hands. I hated it seeing her with someone else.

„Wooyoung that's Haru.Haru that's Wooyoung." she said while being in his arms.
„Nice to meet you."he said reaching out his hand which I took after hesitation.
„Same here."
„Now should we go?"
„Yes let's go I am tired.Today you are cooking I want to sleep."
„All right."
„You guys live together?" I asked bluntly.
„No but we have dinner together.Someday at his place,someday at my place.But that's all after that we go home we never slept at each others place."
I just nodded but I was relieved.
„All right I am going too.See you tomorrow."
„Yes.Have a nice day."
She really changed....but that's ok.I am just happy meeting her again.I had the fear that we might never see each other again but we did and that's all that matters.

Haewon P.O.V

I walked alongside Haru with his arms around me.
„What should I cook for my princess?"
„Stop it you know I hate it when you call me like that." I said jokingly.
„Fine but now tell me what do you want to eat?"
„Ok no problem."
„Do you guys live together?"
I couldn't think straight.When Wooyoung asked me that, I just had to tell him everything detailed I don't know why but I didn't want him zu misunderstand.
I should stop thinking so much.I need a cold shower.

Saudade: a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved and then lost; „the love that remains."

🌸The second chapter I hope you guys liked it bye👋🏽🌸

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