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It was nerve wracking.It was the first lesson today in my club.
„Hello everyone I am your teacher for your class.First of all I will explain rules and we will have a test how good you girls are in ballet.This club is not just for fun.Many Of our students are now well known ballerinas. So think carefully if you want to remain.

We started with the test.The teacher was so scary she could see the tiniest mistakes.
„Park Haewon.You are next."
I breathed out.It's gonna be ok, I took my pills...

I started dancing...I thought I forgot everything but my body was remembering every move.It felt so good to dance again.
„Not bad....I heard you stopped dancing in middle school?"
„Yes I had my personal reasons."
„What made you start again?" I smiled.
„A good friend?" she looked at me and smiled slightly.
„I can notice that you didn't dance for a while but we will fix that you are in."
I sat down and breathed out.

After the practice I walked out of the building and took a sip of my water.
„Are you done?" I saw Wooyoung waiting for me.
„I am.Were you waiting?"
„Yes. How did it go?"
„Better than I thought."
„That relieves me."
„I am not that good anymore.I need to practice again."
„I am sure you will get into it again. You just need time."

„Haewon be careful." I wanted to turn around and see what he meant, but before I could do that he pulled me towards him and embraced me.
I could hear his was so fast.He must have been suprised.
„I am sorry if I suprised you.It was an idiot on a bike who almost ran you over."
He patted my head and slowly let go of me.

„T-thank you." is all I could get out of my mouth.
„Come on I will take you home."
„I said I will take you home."
I bit my lips.I can't do that but....
„Alright wait a moment I need to make a call."
„Hurry up."
I walked away and called Haru.
„Haewon I am almost-„
„You don't need to pick me up.I am already on the way home.Lesson ended quickly, so I am going home with Hani."
„Alright see you tomorrow."
I felt so bad for lying..."I am such an idiot."

„Hey let's go." I said to Wooyoung walking side by side.
„Do you want to hangout? Or are you tired if yes I will bring you home-„
„No let's do it.I am not tired." I said without hesitating.Just today....just today I want to spend the day with him happily...without thinking about anything.

It was so fun we ate street food and after that we visited shops and walked around in the city.I didn't even realise what time it is.

„It was so fun today."Wooyoung said while holding the big Panda that he won for me.
„It really was.I didn't even realise that it's so late."
„Yeah we should really go home now." I nodded.
We wanted to take the bus but we missed the last bus for today and now we had to walk all the way back home...
„Are you ok?"
„Yes don't worry."
„It's all because of me.You must be tired from the practice and now-„
„Hey I could have said no, but I wanted to hang out with you so chill." he smiled but right in that moment my foot started hurting.
„What happened?" Wooyoung said worried and held my hand taking me to the bench."
„My foot is hurting."
„Let me take a look." He took of my shoe and there it heel was bleeding.
„Are you stupid? It's bleeding and you didn't notice?"

„Haha I was busy having fun...." but he didn't laugh.He really looked worried and angry.
„My shoes are new that's why, it will be ok after I wear them a few times."
„Still, you are bleeding now."
„It's ok I will treat it at home let's go."
I wanted to stand up but he pushed me back on the bench.
„You will wait here...I will go to the pharmacy and buy some medicine and band aid." he said while patting my head.My face was blushing."
„Here the panda will stay by your side." I laughed and watched him walk away.

It was so nice hanging out with him again.I almost forgot how much fun it always was.I sighed and looked up to the sky I slowly closed my eyes until....

A fell on my face.I wiped it away.
When I opened my eyes the rain was getting heavier.It even started to thunder. My hands started trembling.
„N-no please not now-„ I couldn't breathe....

„Mom Dad Nooo!" that incident was playing in my head.I tried to think about something else but I couldn't.

„No please stop please I am begging you...." Wooyoung please come back.
But there was no sign of him....and then I heard something.It was a car crash.
All kind of movies were playing in my head...I was so worried about Wooyung.I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

„Pick up I am begging you." I ran around like a crazy woman searching for him while hoping he picks up his phone.I called a thousand times but he just won't pick up.I didn't even wear one of my shoes.I walked around helplessly screaming his name hoping he is ok.

„WOOYOUNG WHERE ARE YOU?!" Then I arrived at the street where the accident happened. It was getting harder to breath and I couldn't stop crying.
I saw the car bumped into a tree.The police was there and the ambulance also arrived.
I looked around but couldn't see Wooyoung but I sighted the pharmacy and then...I saw a bag lying on the street the things that were in that bag fell out and it was ......medicine and band aids.

I started screaming and ran towards the accident site.
„Miss you can't enter."
„Just let me take a look.I just want to know if Wooyung is here." they wouldn't let me pass and I screamed louder....If something happens to him....I won't be able to live on.

„What's wrong Haewon?Pull yourself together."
Someone turned me around.
„Wooyoung?" I was so relieved that I cried even louder.
„Why are you crying? I told you to wait.Look at your foot it's bleeding even more."
„You shouldn't worry about me.I thought you...I thought you were involved in the accident.Look at your head it's bleeding."
„Don't worry I am fine." All my emotions were mixed  I was so relieved and it felt like my anxiety was disappearing.In the moment when Wooyoung held me I didn't even care about the rain anymore...

„Let's go you will catch a-„ I pulled him closer and laid my lips on his lips.I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him.Wooyoung didn't move at first but then he pulled me closer and kissed me back.One of his hand on my back and one on my cheek.I longed so much for him no matter how much closer I or he pulled me I wanted to get even closer that's how much I missed him and his touch.
I didn't want to let go of him but then Haru's face appeared in front of me and I pushed him back.
„Wooyoung I-„ it was getting dizzy and black around me.

The last thing I remember is Wooyoung holding me and screaming my name..

Paroxysm; sudden outburst of emotions

🌸This chapter got so long I even had to delete a few parts because it was so long.🌸

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