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„What are you doing here?" Wooyoung stood in front of me out of breath.
I hid the book and picture in my bag.
„Is everything ok?" I asked.
„We promised to hang out after school didn't we? We were waiting for you."
„I am sorry I totally forgot.Let's go."
We hurried cause I know Soeun and Hani.They are so impatient.

„So here is where you guys wanted to go to?"
I asked out of breath.It was the restaurant we always visited.
„I couldn't think of an another place.We always came here after school."Wooyoung said and I nodded.

After eating we all left.Jongho brought Hani and Soeun home and Wooyoung insisted on taking me home.
„Thanks for walking me home."
„Nothing to thank for."
After a while I sat down on a bench because I was so tired.
„Spring is coming...The Cherry blossoms are blooming."
„Yes.It's so beautiful." I looked at Wooyoung who was smiling while watching the Cherryblossoms.He was so beautiful.
„So beautiful."I whispered without me knowing.
„They really are beautiful." My face was as red as a tomato.Thank god, he didn't realise that I meant him.

„Hey Wooyoung.I have something to show you."
He sat down next to me curiously.
„You remember this?" I showed him the book.
„Oh I gave it to you in school."
„You remember?"
„Of course I do I left something precious inside there-„ He took the book and took out the photo.He smiled widely looking at it.
„You meant the photo?"
„W-what?! N-no I meant something else but it's not in there."
„Really? But the letter and this pic were the only things inside."
„T-then I must have lost it."he stuttered but why?

„I will return the book after reading it."
„You still didn't read it?!"
„I wanted to but...too many things happened that time.I couldn't."
„I see take your time and this time return it to me and don't disappear again."He looked at me seriously."
„I won't.Trust me."
„Then let's go.You must be tired."
„Wooyoung one more thing."
„Can I keep the photo?"
„This one?why?"
„I don't have any picture of us together I want to have it."
„Alright take it.But I want to keep that letter."
„Sure." I took the pic and put it carefully in my bag.
„You really changed a were always so lively and carefree and now you laugh much less and always look so worried."
„Must be because I am an adult now."
I tried to laugh it off.
He was right I was always carefree and never worried about a thing.Now I get afraid of little things. I am afraid of losing more people who I love.My anxiety won't leave me alone.

„Can I ask you something?"
„....why...why did you leave so suddenly that time? Was it because....I turned you down?"
„That's not true!" Wooyoung looked at me startled.
My hands started trembling again.Calm down Haewon everything is ok.
I was surprised when Wooyoung took my hand.
„I know your hands start trembling when I talk about the past. I am so bad, I desperately want to know why you left, while knowing you are hurting when I talk about the past....I won't ask you anymore I am sorry."
„No I am sorry."I held his hand tightly.
„I have my reasons but I am just not ready to talk about it."
„It's ok.Just know I am here for you when you want to talk."I just nodded and smiled.

Next week

A week passed and we have to choose a club....

„Are they fucking serious?" Hani cursed.
„The good ones are already taken." Soeun sighed.
„We had luck and could enter the cooking club." Jongho and Wooyoung said.
„good for you guys...there is nothing to choose." I said.
I could choose between a club where you have to record the morning announcements and deliver news for the school.Another one was the alcohol free club you have to hold presentations on why alcohol is bad...well that's nothing for me.The third one was swimming.I can't swim so that's nothing for me either and the one left was.....
„What do you have to think about? Isn't it obvious what you should choose."Wooyoung said and everyone agreed.
„Wooyoung I can't."
„Why can't you? It's you dream so do it....enter the club."
„He is right Haewon."Soeun said.
„Guys I gave it up."
„What?! You can't you were so talented." Hani said.
„I am sorry I have to go." I could feel how the anxiety is coming back I have to calm down.

Wooyoung P.O.V

„Guys we have to make her enter that club."
„Didn't you listen to her she gave up." Jongho said.
„She is acting strange....she loved it more than anything there is no way she gave up freely.We have to help her getting her dream back....being a ballerina."
„She was such a good ballerina in middle school everyone envied her and the teacher even said she will make it big." Hani said disappointed.
I will make her live her dream again, I want her to smile again like she always did.I will find out what you are hiding from me Haewon...I want you to live without worries.... I will get behind your secrets.

Dern; Secret, hidden, dark, it can also refer to hidden feelings, gloom, sorrowful etc.

🌸I would be happy if you leave comments and vote.Thanks for reading.Always stay healthy especially during this hard times and see you next time🌸

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