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„You only have 2 day left deciding which club you will enter."

The class ended.I have to choose a club for gods sake.
„The thing with the club is troubling you right?"
Hani asked.
„Hani? What are you doing here?"
„My class ended early so I came to take you with me.Let's go eat something." I nodded and followed her.

„Just enter the club."Soeun said while we were eating.
„I can't."
„But why?"
„You guys won't understand."
„We can't understand if you don't tell us."
My phone started ringing it was Haru.
„Hey Haru."
He wanted to pick me up after school...

„Are you happy with him?" Hani asked.
„Of course I am.He was always there for me."
„So you don't have any feelings left for Wooyoung?"
Soeun wanted to know.
„Of course not. Wooyoung is just a friend."
„So you love Haru?"
„O-of course I do."
„Then say it."
„Say what?"
„Say I love Haru."
I couldn't get a word out of me...the sentence wasn't hard but I couldn't get myself to say it....

„I have to go see you later."

~After class~

I waited at the gate for Haru.
„Sorry I am late."
„Is everything ok?" he had dark circles underneath his eyes and all over he looked so tired.
„We have a problem at our company.I need your help."
„Let's go." I said without hesitating.

I entered his workplace and it looked all so messy.
„So what's wrong?"
„You know our fashion week we wanted to hold?"
„Yes what's wrong with that?"
„Someone stole our designs.... Diamond fashion company stole our designs and held their own fashion week this week."
„Are they crazy?! Like let's sue them what are you waiting for?"
„I don't have any evidences...they took our designs and I can't proof that I made the designs."
„Hey...listen I know it will be hard but I know you can do are able to design new clothes..."
„Well I already started and if everything goes well I will be finished in 2 days."
„That's really fast." I said surprised.I knew he was talented but this really suprised me.
„Problem solved right?"
„No...we don't have models....they quit because they thought we were the one who copied the designs.We can't find new models because they all heard about the rumours.They don't want to work with us....

„Shit! There must be a solution."
„I thought that maybe you could be the female model and then we need a male model."
„I already did it once so I have no problem with it.I want to help you but who will be the male model?"
„That's why I called you.I know you will hate me for this but I thought....."
„Come on spit it out we don't have much time."
„Wooyoung would suit really good as a model."

I wasn't sure if I heard right.I looked at him shocked.
„What did you say?"
„I know it's shameless of me but I can't think of anyone else...please save me."
I sighed and started biting my nails.
What should I do? My boyfriend just asked me to bring my first love to him so he can help him.
„I am really tired Haewon.I am sorry I shouldn't have asked you this...I didn't think about your feelings."
He was always there for me so...why can't I help him too?

„I will do it!I will persuade him don't worry"

Wooyoung P.O.V

It was a normal day at college or so I thought....Haewon looked like she wants to talk about something.
„Is everything ok?"
„Y-yes of course." she is acting strange but that won't hold me back of putting her in the ballet club.
It was break time and we were sitting on a bench without exchanging a word.
„Listen Haewon....enter the ballet club.I don't know your reasons but I know that you love it more than anything so please do it.
„Not that again Wooyoung.I won't do ballet again."
„I need to know the reason." this time I held her hand maybe it will make her calm down...maybe her hands won't tremble like that."
„I really can' is too painful to live on like nothing happened."

„What happened? Just what happened to you?"
„I don't know where to start many things happened after you turned me down..It's a long story maybe an another time."

Haewon P.O.V

I wanted to stand up and go but Wooyoung still held my hand.
"You want to talk about something. I know that." he said giving me a wooried look.
"Yes you are right.Actually I have a favor to ask."
"What is it?" i sighed and sat down again.
"Haru's family owns a fashion company and they have some problems going on."
I told him what happened....

"That's why you are so worried.Hm I don't think I can help you with the model problem...I don't know anyone..." He said seriously thinking about who could help.It made me smile.
"I know someone and that' Wooyoung. We want you to model Wooyoung."
"What?! No. Haewon I know nothing about fashion, I can't do that."
"You are perfect Wooyoung.Please we need you."

Wooyoung stood up and sighed.He was biting his lips and was torn about what to do.
"I am sorry Haewon I can't help you..."
"Oh, I see.I am sorry Wooyoung it was selfish of me.Come on let's go class is starting."
We walked together for our last class of today."

The day was finally over.Time to go home.
"Ah I totally forgot to tell you guys.The ballet club only needs one more member so if someone wants to enter it do it quickly." The teacher said and I sighed.I wanted to go but Wooyoung grabbed my arm and pulled me with him outside."
"What are you doing Wooyoung?!" He looked at me angrily.
"Didn't you listen to the teacher?! I beg you just join."
"Why are forcing me? I don't want to."
"Really then why did you look so disappointed? You are forcing yourself to believe that you don't want to."
"That's because-"
"Just stop it Haewon.You will regret it.I still remember the look on your face when you were dancing.You looked so beautiful and happy."
"I will never join the also said you won't help me and I respected your decision.So do the same for me."
"What?" Wooyoung let go of my hand and looked at the floor.

"Haewon?" I looked up.It was Haru.
"Hey let's go." I said while wiping away my tears.
"See you tomorrow." I said to Wooyoung while he was looking at us.

We were walking towards the gate until Wooyoung stopped us.
"I will do it." He screamed and Haru and I turned around
"When you join the ballet club....I will help you guys out.So you make the decision.I will wait for your answer." Wooyoung walked past me and he left me back thinking about what to do.It was the most difficult decision ever my heart had already decided long ago what it wanted but my head was saying no.....

Nazlanmak: pretending reluctance or indifference when you are actually willing or eager, saying no and meaning yes.

🌸I am totally in writing fever.I think the story is not doing well but I am gonna write till the end because I really like this story.If you guys like it I would be happy if you leave a comment and vote.See you in the next chapter.🌸

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