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2 years later

Wooyoung P.O.V

„I really made it.I can't believe it!"
„Did you get into it?" Haru asked me.
„Yes I did." I jumped because I was so happy.
I got into the company of Haewons uncle.
„I am so happy for you,even though it's a little disappointing because I wanted to scout you."
„Forget it I am gonna work there."
I said.Haru and I became good friends. I would have never thought we would get along so well.

„What about her...didn't she call?"
My expression changed.
„How long has it been since she didn't contact you?"
„2 months....the last thing I heard about her is that she lost in the semi final.After that she got really famous especially in Korea but I didn't hear a word about her.I hear her news through the tv..."
„Why is she being like this? She said it would take a year or not?"
„She said it could take longer but I didn't expect it to be 2 years."

I left the Café where I met Haru and walked around to catch some fresh air.
I stopped when I saw someone resembling Haewon. I walked after her.
„Excuse me?"
„Yes?" it wasn't her.
„I am sorry I thought you were someone else."
I sighed and went my way.

I walked through Haewons neighbourhood.I stopped in front of her house and looked up.
„I miss you..."
„I turned around and it was Haewons family."
„Hello.Nice to see you."
„I saw you got a job at our company."
„Yes sir thank you very much."
„Hey you can call me uncle,like Haewon.We are family or not."
„We came to check Haewons home.We need to water her plants and clean a bit." her aunt said.
„Come in with us." her cousin said.
„No go on I just...missed her so I came by."
„She didn't call you?"
„No she didn't contact me for 2 months."
„Don't worry you will hear about her soon."
„I hope so..."
„I am going, take care."
„Let's meet at work."

I arrived at my apartment and when I entered something seemed off....
„Why is it so clean?....."
I slowly entered being suspicious.
I could hear a voice coming from my kitchen.
I slowly walked towards it holding my bag firmly...

I entered the kitchen and.....
I sighed and tears were covering my sight.
„You are back? I was cooki-„
I didn't let her speak till the end because I had to hug her....

„I missed you so much." I said hugging her tighter.
„I missed you too Woo."
I released her and gave her a kiss.
„How could you do this? You didn't contact me for 2 months..."
„The thing is I wanted to surprise you."
„How can you do that? I thought..."
„You thought I ran off with a boy from Germany?" she laughed.
„That will never happen.I was dying to meet you again." she laid her hand on my check and kissed my forehead."

„Now sit down."
„Food is almost ready."
„You can cook?"
„Of course.I learned it while I was in europe."
„How are you feeling? I saw you in the semi finals."
„Honestly it's a little disappointing but it's ok.I saw so many good ballerinas and it motivated me to get better.There will be other chances.I had fun that's the most important thing for me."
„That's good.You have so many fans now you are like a celebrity here did you know that?"
„Come on stop.I am hungry let's eat."

She told me about her stories in europe and it was so fun...I am so happy being able to talk to her again...
After eating we watched a movie together where she fell asleep on my shoulder.
„Are you sleeping?...So cute."
I turned off the tv and picked her so I can lay her down on my bed.I opened the door to my bedroom laid her down on the bed and wanted to move back but she grabbed me and pulled me down for a kiss.

I slowly backed up and was looking into her eyes.
„I will give you a can let go of me now and we will both go to sleep, but if you don't...I won't hold myself back..."
She smiled and pulled me closer.I laid down on the bed and now she was on the top kissing me.
„Who told you to hold back?..."
„ asked for it..."

Haewon P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and the first I saw was Wooyoung.I smiled and looked at his beautiful face a little longer.I put back his hair and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
I stood up took my clothes and moved to the bathroom.
After showering I made my way to the kitchen and made us breakfast.
„You are already awake?" I heard Wooyoung say while he gave me a backhug.

„Go take a shower.Breakfast is almost ready."
After Wooyoung came out we started eating.
„You look so good in a suit.I heard from my uncle that you will work in our company."
„Yes today is my first day."
„That's good....I want to ask you something Wooyoung."
„I am gonna move uncle is gonna live in my house..."
„Where will you stay?"
„That's what I wanted to ask can...I stay here with you?" He didn't say a word but started smiling.

„So is that a yes?"
„When I think about it...I will be able to see you all day one will interrupt us." I laughed and nodded.
„That's a good idea." he said and I held his hand.
„I love you Wooyoung."
„I love you too Haewon." he kissed my hand and stood up to hug me.

I was complete.The sadness and hate I felt over the years.It feels like it never existed.I was truly happy and I loved our days together.Wooyoung and I lived like a normal couple.We were happy together.After all these years I finally forgave myself and started loving myself.I am proud of myself that I didn't gave up on life, because if I did...I wouldn't experience these precious days with Wooyoung...
I don't know what problems will cross our ways in the future but...I know that I will have Wooyoung by my side and he will have me.Together we will get through any hardships....

~The end~

Euphoria; a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

🌸It's my first story and it's completed.I tried writing so many stories but I was never satisfied and always deleted them.There are not many people reading this story but the one who I am really thankful to them.My english is not very good so I hope you can overlook the mistakes I made.Thanks for reading until now.It was fun writing this story.Stay healthy and happy.🌸

P.s a new Story is coming soon...😉

Oblivion  -ATEEZ WOOYOUNG-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن