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Lauren Timothy lived in the mountains of North Carolina with her dog Shadow, a golden retriever and her best friend Erin Smathers. They had moved in together after they had graduated from college. Lauren was a kindergarten teacher and Erin was a waitress at the local diner. She was still working on her degree. She had one year left. She wanted to be a journalist. Lauren was currently single but had just recently been dumped. Erin was dating someone, they had been together for a year. Lauren was in no hurry to get back in a relationship. She had been dumped so many times.
One Wednesday evening Erin had come home from work a little late and Lauren was sitting on the couch watching tv almost asleep.
"Your still awake? I thought you would have gone to bed by now."
"I was fixing to but I feel asleep watching a movie."
"You do that a lot."
"Yeah I know."she laughs
"Well I'm tired I'm heading to bed. I guess I will see you in the morning."
"Yes you will. Hey what are the plans for the weekend?"
"Well I know I am spending the day with Matt on Saturday. He has something planned I have no idea what. Did you have something in mind?"
"Not really. I just wondered what you were doing."
"Well nothing Friday night or Sunday. We could do something then."
"Sure. We can work something out."
"Okay we can talk talk about tomorrow."
Erin left the room and headed to her bedroom. Lauren turned off the tv and headed to bed. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She dreamed that night that she went to see Josh Groban in concert.
He was her and Erin's favorite singer of all time. They both wanted to go to one of his concerts but they were so expensive and neither one could afford the tickets. So they knew they would never get to go. They would just have to enjoy listening to him at home or in their car.
The next morning Lauren woke up and smiled.
"Man what a dream! If only it could become true!"
She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Erin was fixing pancakes.
"Well good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"I did! I had a great dream."
"Oh? What did you dream?"
"I dreamed we went to see Josh Groban in concert."
"Oh wow, yeah that was a good dream. I wish we could. I have been looking at his tickets but they are so expensive!"
"I know."
"But I have been thinking."
"About what?"
"You have a birthday coming up and..."
"Oh Erin you know I don't need anything and I know that..."
"Wait a minute let me finish. I was thinking we could take a trip to California."
"What seriously? But how isn't that just as expensive as going to a concert?"
"No. I have done some digging and found a really good deal."
"Yes. I have some made some really good tips lately and have been saving. This would be my gift to you."
"You don't have to do that."
"I know but I want to. "
"Well sure. When were you thinking?"
"Next week. Can you get off from work?"
"I should be able to. For a week?"
"Yes a week."
"I can find out tomorrow at work."
"Thanks Erin."
"Your welcome." She smiles.
"You are the best!"
Lauren couldn't believe she was going to California! It was a place she had always wanted to go, a lot of celebrities lived there. Including Josh Groban!

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