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"I'm going for a run. I will be back."
I ran about a block from the hotel. I had my headphones in and was listening to my favorite music on my phone and wasn't watching where I was going and ran into someone.
Coffee was spilled all over my shirt.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you."
"It's okay I should have been watching where I was going."
I looked up and looked into the deepest brown eyes I had ever seen. I couldn't believe my eyes. Josh Groban! He had his dog Sweeney with him.
"Are you sure your okay? I didn't burn you with my coffee did I?"
"No I'm fine. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm glad your okay."
I smiled "I better go."
I ran back to my hotel and Erin was on the couch.
"Oh my gosh! What in the world happened?"
"I ran into Josh Groban!"
"Yes. Literally! I was not watching where I was going and I ran into him and he spilled his coffee on me. He was walking his dog Sweeney."
"Wow! What did he say?"
"He said he was sorry and asked if I was okay."
"What did you say?"
"I told him I was fine and then said I had to go and ran back here."
"That's all?"
"Yes. I can't believe I ran into him! OMG he is so handsome he has the deepest brown eyes I have ever seen."
Erin laughed.
Lauren awoke the next morning! Wow what a dream! If only that dream came true. But of course that wouldn't happen. Dreams never come true. At least hers didn't.
She got up and threw on some work out shorts and a tank top.
"You going somewhere?"
"Yeah I'm going for a run. I will back soon."
Lauren grabbed her hotel key and left.
She ran for about a mile listening to her favorite music mix on her phone. She was her way back to her hotel when she ran into someone. Hot coffee went all over her! Not watching where she was going.
"I'm sorry. I..." she looked up and saw deep brown eyes.
Oh my gosh! Josh Groban!
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't burn you did I?"
"No. I'm okay. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry."
"I wasn't either. I was watching my dog Sweeney and didn't see you. Are you sure your okay? I didn't burn you?"
"No I'm okay. Thanks. I should go."
Lauren ran toward her hotel and reached her room out of breath.
Oh my gosh! It was just like my dream! Wow! What were the odds that she dreamed it the night before and then it came true the next day!
She couldn't wait to tell Erin. She opened the door and found Erin sitting on the couch.
"What in the world happened to you?"
"I ran into Josh Groban and he spilled coffee on me."
"What! No way!"
"What did he say?"
"He kept asking if I was okay. Asking if he burned me. I told him no I was fine."
"Wow! Is that all that happened?"
"Yes. I was too nervous to say anything and just said I had to go and ran back to the hotel."
"Wow, well lucky you."
"You know the weirdest thing?"
"What's that?"
"I dreamed it last night."
"Dreamed what?"
"That I met Josh Groban like this! Literally!"
"Wow! Well maybe you will run into him again and be able to say more."
"I doubt that will happen. I was lucky it happened once I doubt it will happen again! That would be pure luck and I am definitely not lucky. Things like that don't happen to me."
"You never know." Erin smiled.
"I'm going to go get a shower then we can go down and get breakfast and then go to the avengers set if you want."
"Okay sure."
After both girls were ready they headed down to breakfast.
"So you weren't kidding about wearing that shirt."
"Nope. I thought it would be good since we are going to the set.
Erin was wearing her shirt that said language on it.
The girls ate their breakfast then after going back and brushing their teeth they headed out.
"Do you know where to go?" Lauren asked.
"Not real sure. Maybe the taxi driver will know."
They got in the cab.
"Good morning girls. Where to?"
"Do you know where the avengers is being filmed?"
"I do. Is that where you want to go?"
"I can take you there but I'm not sure if they will let you stay."
"Oh, we got invited by one of the actors."
"Oh, well in that case sure. Let's go!"
It didn't take them long to get there. Erin paid the driver, thanked him and they got out.
"Wow! This is so cool! Look there is Captain America!" Erin said.
"Yes and there's Scarlett."
They watched for a few minutes and about 12 the cast took a break. Scarlett looked up and saw the girls and walked over to them.
"Hey guys! You made it."
"Yep. It is so cool to watch it being filmed."
Scarlett smiled. "Would you like to meet the team?"
"Sure." Erin said.
"Nice shirt by the way. Cap is going to like that."
Scarlett walked away briefly and smiled went to the team and looked back at the girls and pointed then she was heading back with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Winter Soldier.
"Oh my gosh Lauren here they come! I can't believe this is happening and we get to meet the cast!"
"Guys this is Erin and Lauren. They a big fans."
"Nice to meet you." They all said
"I love your shirt," Iron Man says. "Don't you Cap?"
Captain America laughs. "Yeah it's great."
"What did you girls think?" Hulk asks.
"It was cool to watch. Some great funny scenes. We can't wait to see it." Lauren says.
"Yeah!" Erin says.
"I loved it when Captain America says that is America's ass," Erin laughs
Captain America smiles. "How long are you girls here for?"
"A week." Lauren says.
"We should all grab lunch sometime," Scarlett says.
"We have tomorrow off. How about tomorrow say noon?"
"Sounds like a plan," Lauren smiles "where should we meet you?"
Scarlett looks at the team. "What do you guys think?"
"How about that little cafe just outside of town? It shouldn't be too crowded," Captain America says
"That's a great place. You girls up for that?" Scarlett asks.
"Works for us." Erin says.
"I could come pick you girls up if you want. Which hotel are you?"
"Hampton Inn. But you really don't have to. We get a taxi."
"I don't mind at all. I will meet you out front at 11:40."
"Okay. Well I guess we will see you guys tomorrow." Lauren says.
"See you then," Captain America says
The girls walked away and headed down the the street.
"OMG girl! I can't believe that just happened! We are eating lunch with them tomorrow! Am I dreaming? If I am please don't give wake me!" Erin says.
Lauren says, "No your not dreaming. That was awesome. We even get to ride with Scarlett tomorrow."
"I know! And did you see America's ass? He was so hot!"
Lauren laughs again "Erin your crazy! But I love you."
"Love you too. So where to now?"
"No idea. We could get lunch somewhere. I think I saw a burger place over there."
"Sounds good."
The girls walked to the burger place. Their week was turning out great! They were both excited about tomorrow.
Authors note
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was a hard one to write. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I didn't have all the team members talk but they will later on. I have some big scenes coming up and I hope you like the next chapters. I will be starting a new job and a class next week so I don't know how often I will be able to write but I will do my best to try to publish at least once a week. Just please bare with me. And keep reading and let me know what you think. I am loving this story!

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