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"It's ready!" Erin called from the kitchen.
Lauren walked back into the kitchen and smelled the food! The smell made her so hungry. Her stomach growled so loud she was sure everyone heard, even the neighbors.
"It smells amazing! I can't wait to eat it!"
"I hope it's as good as it smells. It's my moms recipe. Did you find a movie?"
"What did you pick?"
"You'll see."
The girls fixed their plates then went to the living room. Lauren un paused the movie. Once it started Erin knew right away what it was!
"Lady and The Tramp! I love this movie!"
"I knew you did! It's my favorite too!"
The girls sat, ate and watched the movie.
"This is really good. What is it?"
"My mom calls it hot chicken salad. It was my grandmother's originally I think."
"It's really good!"
"Well thanks. Once the movie is over we can start looking for what we will take on our trip."
"Okay. Have you already made reservations?"
"Yes I booked our hotel but I have to call tomorrow to get our flight."
"Okay. What day are we leaving?"
"Saturday. Our hotel is for Saturday night. So probably early Saturday morning."
"Ok. I guess that means I better have it all packed Friday night and not stay up late."
"Yeah. We can always sleep on the plane."
"Yes. Hey do you think we will see anyone famous while we are there?"
"It's possible. It is California and lots of celebrities live there."
"True! You know who I would love to meet."
"Yes," she laughs "Josh Groban!"
"Yes. Who would you like to meet or see?"
"You should know the answer to that!"
"Chris Evans?"
"Yep, better known as Captain America! Man if I got to see him in that costume! Oh man! I would die!"
Lauren laughs. "You would probably be in shock and faint."
"I probably wouldn't faint but I might not be able to talk or believe who I was seeing."
"Yeah. I would be the same way if I saw Josh. I probably would faint though." She laughs.
The movie ended and after cleaning up the kitchen the girls head their rooms.
"Make sure you pack a swim suit."
"Why? It's not like we are going to the beach."
"Yeah, but you never know and there is a swimming pool at the hotel."
"And pack a two piece!" She hollered.
"I don't have one."
"Yes you do. You have that teal and black one."
"It doesn't really fit me any more."
"But you just wore it a few months ago!"
"Well I can't wear it anymore."
"I guess we can find you one."
"Maybe there in California."
"Your kidding!"
"No I'm not. You need a two piece to show off that great body of yours."
"Oh it's not that great. My one piece works just fine!" She says packing it into her suit case.
"Fine, but we will look. Oh and don't forget a dress of some sort. You never know you might need it!"
The girls packed a little then headed to bed. They both had a long day ahead of them. Lauren would be getting up early to head to work to tend to her kindergarteners and Erin would be waiting on tables.
The next day the girls went to work. It was a a typical day for both of them. The days began to go by fast. Lauren worked on her lesson plan at night for the week she was going to be out.
Finally it was Friday! That evening as Lauren was leaving Janice stopped her.
"Lauren, hope you have fun on your trip. I look forward to hearing about it when you get back."
She smiled. "Thanks! We are excited. We are leaving out early tomorrow. I still have a few things left to pack tonight."
"Well have fun and I will see you in a week. Safe travels."
"Okay thanks. Bye."
Lauren arrived home and Erin wasn't home yet. They had decided they would just have a quick dinner so she didn't have to worry about cooking anything. She headed to her room. She put her school stuff down beside her bed and finished packing her bag. She packed everything except her toiletries. She would pack them in the morning. She was just finishing when she heard the door.
"Erin! There you are!"
"Sorry I'm late. I got held up at work. We were so busy and I just couldn't leave!"
"It's okay. Are you ready to eat?"
"Yes. Are we still eating something quick?"
"Yes, if that's okay."
"Yes that's fine. I am fine with just a sandwich."
"I was thinking of a bowl of cereal."
"I think I just want a sandwich."
The girls are their dinner sitting at the kitchen table.
"Have you got everything packed?" Erin asked.
"Yes except for my toiletries which I will pack tomorrow morning."
"Okay good. We need to leave here by 6 in the morning to make it an hour before our flight."
"Okay. I will set my alarm so I can get up in the morning."
"Sounds good. What time are you getting up?"
"Umm maybe 4 or 4:30. I will get my shower tonight so I won't have to worry about it in the morning."
"That's a good idea I will do that too!"
After both girls got their showers they climbed in bed. They both took a while to go to sleep.
"Lauren you awake?" Erin hollered from across the hall.
"Yes. I can't sleep."
"Me neither!"
"I am nervous about flying. I haven't flown in forever!"
"You're ahead of me. I have never flown!"
"I'm sure we will be fine. But we better try to get some sleep."
"Yeah. Goodnight Lauren."
"Goodnight Erin."
The girls finally fell asleep. When the alarm went off the next morning Lauren groaned and turned it off. She was not ready to get up. She rolled out of bed and got dressed then headed to the bathroom. After she was ready she grabbed her stuff and put it in her bag. She took her stuff to the living room. Erin was already in the kitchen. They just grabbed a bowl of cereal to be quick.
After cleaning up and grabbing their stuff they headed to the air port. They checked in and headed to their gate. They waited for their gate to be called. Lauren was nervous but also excited. She couldn't sit still she kept fidgeting in her seat. Finally after what seemed like hours later their gate was called and they headed on the plane. They found their seats and waited for the plane to take off.
Lauren was reading her book which was the latest Nicholas Sparks book. She looked up from her book and had to do a double take.
"Erin!" She rapidly tapping her arm.
"I think I just saw Scarlett Johansson!"
"Nut uh!"
"Yes she headed to the bathroom I think! Watch for when she comes back."
It wasn't long before she walked back through.  She saw the girls and smiled and walked toward them.
"I love your shirt!" She said to Erin.
She had on a shirt with Dartmoor wildlife park. Which was from the zoo movie we bought a zoo. Scarlett stared in it.
"Oh thanks."
She smiled and went back to her seat which was only across the way from them a row back.
"Oh my gosh Lauren! Scarlett just spoke to me! That was Scarlett Johansson! I love her as black widow." She spoke softly.
"Yeah I love her as black widow. She is awesome. She is my favorite girl super hero."
When the plane landed and they were allowed to get up the girls got their stuff together.
"We filming the new avenger movie tomorrow. You girls should come by and watch." Scarlett said walking by.
"Thanks we will try. What time?" Erin said
"Probably all day. We are starting at 8 am."
"We will see if we can stop by."
"Okay look foreword to seeing you."
She walked off the plane.
"OMG Lauren! She just invited us to the set of avengers! Do you know what this means?"
"I will get to see Chris Evans! I would get to see him as Captain America! OMG!"
"Breathe Erin. Take a deep breath."
"I just can't believe this! This is going to be an amazing week!"
"Yes it will!" Lauren smiled.
The girls left the plane and walked to baggage claim. They got their bags then headed outside and got a taxi and headed to their hotel. When they pulled up front Lauren was in shock! It was a huge hotel. Beautiful! It looked expensive!
"Wow! Erin how did you afford this place?"
"Been saving a while and I told you I found a great deal. Wait till you see the rooms."
Erin tipped the driver and a bell man took their luggage in and after they checked in he took them to their room.
"Here you go ladies. Hope you enjoy your stay. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know my name is Ryan."
Erin gave him a tip and he left.
The room was huge! It had a big king bed with a big living room a nice size kitchen and a huge bathroom.
"Wow Erin this place is amazing! Look at that bed!"
"Yeah I only got one bed. Hope you don't mind sleeping in the same bed. It was cheaper that way."
"It's okay. It's huge."
"I know. Well are you ready to get cleaned up and get something to eat and walk around?"
"Alright. You go first."
Lauren grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.
"Erin!" She calls from the bathroom.
"It even has little bottles of shampoo and body wash and small Lufas! And it's the good smelly stuff too!"
Erin smiles and shakes her head. "Lauren your cute!"
After the girls were ready and Erin helped Lauren with her hair the girls headed out.
Authors note-what do you think the girls will get into! Will they meet anyone else famous? Who would you like to see them meet? Would love suggestions! I have a few in mind but would love some of your ideas. And please vote and check out my other two stories I am working on. One is called love on set with Chris Evans and Scott Eastwood and the other is called The Daycare Daddy.
Happy reading!

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