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The girls left the hotel and walked through the lobby and out the door. A cab was sitting beside the sidewalk.
"Well isn't that convenient. Where do you want to eat?" Erin asked climbing into the cab.
"No idea. We could ask the cab driver." Lauren leaned up in the seat.
"Where to girls?" The cab driver asked.
"We want to eat somewhere, but don't know what's good. Any suggestions?"
"Well that all depends on where you want to go. Do you want expensive or non expensive?"
"Non expensive."
"Well there are a few places that are good. There is one hole in the wall place that is good if you like burgers and such."
"Oh that sounds great!" Erin said.
"Alright then."
He pulled away from the curb. The girls looked out the window as they rode. It was such a beautiful city. Lauren wondered if they would run into anyone famous.
It wasn't long till the cab pulled into a small restaurant. It was on the edge of town not one they could have found on their own.
"Thanks." Lauren paid him and got out.
"Welcome. You girls have fun."
The girls walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a young man with short brown hair and light green eyes.
"Good evening ladies. Is it just the two of you?"
"Okay right this way follow me."
The girls followed him to a booth table toward the back. He placed the menus on the table.
"A waitress will be right with you."
Then left walking back toward the front. It wasn't long till a young blonde girl walked up to the table.
"I'm Sara and I will be your waitress. What can I get you to drink?"
"I'll have a water with lemon," Lauren said.
"I want a sweet tea."
"Okay I will be right back with your drinks."
She walked away. Lauren looked around. There wasn't a whole lot of people in the restaurant. Then Erin looked toward the door and saw Sebastian Stan walk in dressed in his uniform, as the winter soldier.
"Lauren! OMG!"
"It's Sebastian Stan!"
"Who is that?"
"Bucky, the winter soldier."
Lauren looks up and sees him walking to a table.
"If that had been Chris Evans, I would be flipping out!"
"You and me both girl! But he so hot! I didn't realize how good looking he was till I saw him up close," Erin said smiling.
"Hey didn't Scarlet tell us they were filming the new avengers movie? She told us we could go by."
"I was thinking we could go tomorrow," Lauren said.
"Oh okay. I know just the shirt I will wear too."
"Which one is that?"
"My captain America shirt. The one that says language."
"Oh that one," Lauren laughs.
The waitress comes back and takes their food orders and it isn't long till their food comes and they sit in silence and eat. Erin looks over a few times at Sebastian.
"Why do you keep looking over there?"
"I don't know. He's hot."
"You want to go over there don't you?"
"No! I just..."
"Admit it! You want to meet him."
"No, yes, maybe."
Lauren laughs. "Well we will meet him tomorrow maybe when we meet the cast."
"Hopefully, but you know who I really hope to meet."
"Yes I know. Chris Evans, Captain America." Lauren laughs.
The girls finish eating and pay for their food and then leave the restaurant and walk outside. They call a cab and head back to their hotel.
"I'm tired. I didn't realize just how tired I was till I was sitting still," Lauren said.
"Yeah me too. We can sleep in tomorrow and eat a late breakfast then head to the set."
"Sounds like a plan to me," Erin said.
The girls get ready for bed and climb in and both were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it has taken me a while to update. The next few chapters are going to get interesting and hopefully will be fun to write. Let me know if there are any famous actors you would like to see them meet. I can try and include them. Please like and comment. I love comments it encourages me and let's me know what you think.

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