Chapter 2

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The words had left your lips before you had fully made the decision. "Okay, I'll do it," you had promised, but as soon as you said it, you couldn't help but fret at what you had gotten yourself into.

Jensen seemed shocked that you had agreed so readily, but Jim just looked pleased. Clapping his hands together, he sat back down at his desk. "This is going to be just great!" Jim exclaimed while Jensen continued to stare your way. "We'll have to figure out the best way to slip the news, and Jensen, we'll need to set up the proposal and ring and...,"

You sat there, in shock as Jensen and Jim talked about everything, never once asking you your opinion. Plans about the actual proposal, how it would get leaked to the media. Everything, down to what you would be wearing, but neither of them asked your opinion.

"If you'll excuse me," you muttered, clutching the check tight in your hand, standing up and leaving the room before they could stop you. Down the hallway you went, stepping outside into the cool Vancouver air. Forcing your feet to move, you left the offices, heading straight for the sets, your heart pounding.

Rounding the corner of the huge white building, you sank down on the bench halfway hidden in the shadows of a large tree. You slowly uncrumpled the check, smoothing it down until you could read the number once again. It was a huge chunk of change, more than you would make in six months.

Your hands shook as you stared down at the piece of paper. It was a lot of money, but then again, what they were asking you to do wasn't simple. You were the type of girl who believed in true love. That wanted to find someone that made your heart flutter and your knees weak. And while Jensen was handsome, you weren't sure that was going to happen. It was all just pretend, and you had no idea how it was going to interfere with your life.

"You okay?" Jared asked as he sat down next to you. His large frame took up the rest of the small bench, his knees almost up to his chest. You hadn't really spoken to him, and it surprised you that he was there talking to you.

"I think so," you whispered.

"Listen, I know what's going on," he continued, surprising you even more. But you shouldn't have been. He was best friends with Jensen, and you were pretty sure the two knew everything about each other. "I wasn't really for it at first, but I do think Jensen needs help. This could totally bite him in the ass, or maybe it will be exactly what he needs."

"And what about me?" You asked. "I know I just agreed to this, but what if it comes back to bite me in the ass? After all, I'm just some small-time production assistant. If this goes up in smoke, where does that leave me?"

"We'll figure that out if we come to it," Jensen announced from his spot in the shadow. Pushing away from the tree, he came forward. "I know this is asking a lot, and I couldn't thank you enough for it. Walk with me?"

You had no choice but to walk with the man who was going to become your fiancee. Fake fiancee. Standing up, you walked beside him, away from the sets, towards the trees in the corner. Away from prying eyes. "Not how you expected your Friday to go, right?"

"Not really," You answered. "Why me?"

"We told you. You're on the set, you're...,"

You stopped walking. "No, why me in particular? There are other women on set and I...,"

"I picked you," he answered truthfully. "When Jim came up with this nonsense idea, I knew it had to be someone I was...attracted to, or it wouldn't work. So I picked the prettiest girl on set."

You blushed slightly at his words. "What do we do now?"

He leaned against a tree, the movement casual yet calculated. "That's what we need to talk about. But not here. How about over dinner. Tonight at 6? I'll pick you up."

"We can meet there," you argued. Everything was happening so fast, you just wanted your own way to escape if needed.

"Fine. We'll meet at Five Sails? I have a standing reservation there on Fridays," Jensen insisted. "We'll get everything figured out. And don't worry, it will work out perfectly in the end."

He stepped forward, his hand slightly up before he thought better of it and walked away, leaving you standing there. You had heard of the Five Sails restaurant. But never in your life would you have thought you'd be able to afford to eat there. It was fancy, and big time, and you had nothing to wear tonight.

"Everything okay sweetie?" A Scottish female voice asked. It was Ruth, an actress who always went out of her way to be nice. "You seem out of sorts."

"Have you eaten at the Five Sails?" You asked her.

She nodded her fiery curls bouncing with the movement. "I have. It's quite the place."

You leaned in as if it was a secret. "I'm going there tonight. And I have no idea what to wear!"

"You came to the right witch," Ruth chuckled, taking your hand, and pulling you along. "And they've cut filming short for today, so I will be more than happy to take you shopping!"

"But Ruth," you tried arguing. "I can't afford much. I was thinking...,"

"A second-hand store," she finished for you. "Love the stores myself. You never know what beautiful vintage item you'll find there. Just as beautiful as the new items at a fraction of the cost. Might I ask who you're planning on knocking dead tonight?"

"Jensen," you told her. "It's just a business meeting, but I can't go to the restaurant in my jeans."

She stopped dead in her tracks. Turning to glance at you, one well-manicured eyebrow raised high. "Jensen? Sweetie, I need to know more. Tell me everything."

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