Part 10

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"Get married?" You stuttered, never expecting him to say that. Sure you were pretending to be married. But for him to say it for real, after everything you had just told him? You were flabbergasted.

"Don't look so surprised," he chuckled. "I know it's late, and we've both had quite a bit of alcohol, but I truly think it's a good idea. You get what your family needs, and well...I think it will work out for me as well."

You snuggled deeper into his embrace, relaxed by the promise of a plan. A plan that might finally make things right in your life once again.

Jensen's hand was warm against your back as he reached over to turn off the light. "I think we both need some sleep, and then we can figure out the rest of the plan later. After breakfast. With my family."

That breakfast still worried you, but being in Jensen's arms had you falling easily to sleep.

"Do you think I look okay?" You asked again, staring at your simple blue sundress, hoping that it would meet his family's approval. That you would make his family's approval. So much had changed since last night, and you wanted to make a good impression this morning.

"I think you look great," he assured you, leaning down to tie the laces of his boots. He was dressed in a simple grey henley and dark denim button-down. He was so handsome, and you couldn't believe this was really going to happen. "And just remember. It's breakfast. You're with me, and that's gonna make my Mom ecstatic. You have nothing to worry about."

You nodded, but still didn't completely believe him.

His parents had picked a nice Mom and Pop restaurant, and they were already sitting at the table when you arrived. His sister and her husband were just climbing out of their car, his grandma climbing out of the backseat. "There's the girl of the hour!" She exclaimed, crushing you in a hug. "I'm so glad that Jensen finally came to his senses. You're going to sit by me and we will have a nice little chat."

She pulled you away from Jensen, surprisingly strong for her small frame. Jensen stayed back with his sister as your small group entered the restaurant.

You sat down beside Jensen, his grandma immediately taking the chair beside you. Jensen casually draping his arm over your chair. "I'm surprised to see both of you so chipper this morning," Jensen's Mom started off, reaching for her coffee and taking a drink. "After such a successful party. Were you able to get any sleep?"

"Like they slept last night," His grandma chuckled, winking at you. "But first I need some coffee and bacon, and then we can talk about the dirty details."

"Gram, we are not talking about that," Jensen rolled his eyes.

The waitress came and took your order, and that's when Jensen's Gram tugged on your arm. "Y/N dear, I can just tell you're going to fit right into this family. Jensen picked a good one."

You blushed slightly. "I sure hope so."

"And if he does anything, you be sure to let me know," she insisted. "I know people. And just because he's my grandson doesn't mean anything."

"Thank you," you glanced at Jensen who was busy talking to his Dad. "But I don't think it will be necessary."

She tugged on your arm again, pulling you even closer. "And that goes for you too Missy. As much as I think you and I will get along if you do anything to hurt my Jensen, I will...I just can't imagine seeing him hurt again."


She nodded, her voice dropping to a whisper. "He hasn't told you?"

You shook your head, ready to learn as much about him as you could. "I know it's not my story to tell, but you should at least know something. He had a sweetheart. Someone everyone loved. She was beautiful, and kind, and could have easily been Jensen's soul mate."

"What happened?" You asked breathlessly, but just then the waitress brought the food around and Jensen's Grandma turned silent.

"So, when are you thinking of holding the wedding?" Jensen's Mom asked a short time later, smiling softly at you. "I know it's still in the early stages, but I don't mind helping out. As long as I don't get in your Mom's way."

"My Mom's gone," you answered. "And we haven't made any plans, but I would truly appreciate your help."

"That's settled then," she smiled widely. "Once you figure out when and where I'm more than glad to help with the rest."

The rest of the breakfast went smooth, Grandma suddenly silent as she ate her breakfast. Your mind whirled furiously, wondering what had happened to Jensen's old love. It sounds like they had been perfect for each other, and you wondered what had happened. Hopefully, he would soon open up, and tell you himself.

"As wonderful as this has been," Jensen spoke up. "Y/N and I have a flight we need to catch."

"This soon?" His Mom's smile vanished. "I was hoping you wouldn't leave until tomorrow morning. We could have a barbeque at our place, and talk more about the wedding."

"I wish," he smiled sadly. "But they do get quite mad when one of the main stars isn't there to film. But don't worry. We'll be home for Thanksgiving."

That news seemed to brighten his Mom's mood. She gave you a huge hug as you left the restaurant. "Don't you worry about anything. I love planning and decorating. And you know Jensen won't let you spend a penny on this wedding. But'll let me go dress shopping with you?"

"I'd love that," you assured her.

"Me too! I've got to help pick out the dress!" His Grandma yelled before pulling you in a hug. "And the rest of the story wasn't mine to tell. Give Jensen time, and he will open up. I know he will."

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