Chapter 12

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The next day or so goes by pretty quickly without incident. You guys have to wait until the weather is good before you can go and retrieve the tracker, but you figure it would be best to go back and grab that before you forget about it. It had rained for the last day and a half unfortunately, so the journey is going to be extra annoying. Should only take.. most of your day to do this.

You sigh out loud in aggravation at the thought of having to go back over near the ruins that was your first camp. It's going to be such a long walk. You were going to go for it alone, originally, because you were the one who left it and you'd be fine on your own, but Spinel said she'd join you. You find yourself thankful for the company.

Which is interesting considering when you first came here, she wanted you to go nowhere alone and you absolutely hated her presence.

It's weird how quickly things can change.

You grab the fruit you're gonna eat for the day and toss it into the makeshift bag you had made, tossing it over your shoulder. You pat down your pocket, feeling your knife in there. Good. You don't think anything else is necessary.

Spinel walks over to the Spire doors and opens them, peering at the conditions outside. It's muggy as fuck outside today, but you're gonna have to deal with it.

"Ugh. I don't wanna go out there." She sniffs the air outside, scrunching her face in displeasure. "I feel like I'm breathing in vapor, the air is so thick."

"You don't even need to breathe technically, so I'm going to be the one suffering here. And we've got to just deal with it, we don't know if it's going to keep raining all week, and honestly Spinel? I don't want to walk miles in the rain." You adjust the bag over your shoulder so the hard angles of fruit aren't poking you in the side, and walk over to where she is by the door.

"Walking in the rain would be so much better than this." She sticks her arm outside the door, her arm drooping like a wet noodle dramatically. "This is miserable."

"No, miserable would be my legs chafing because of wet pants. You can deal with this." You take a couple of steps outside, and Jesus fuck she's right. The air is thick and swampy as hell. It feels like you're moving in molasses.

"Ugh, let's just get this over with." Her face drops in a show of misery, and you can't help rolling your eyes at her antics.

You both meander slowly in the direction you know the ruins to be in, and it takes just five minutes for you to be pretty damn irritated with the humidity. You feel like you're just dragging your feet along at an agonizing pace. Many parts of the uneven ground are just sopping wet mud pits, and you nearly walk into several.

Because of the humidity and moisture levels of the soil, it takes you two far longer to get over to the ruins than you had originally thought. By the time you can see the hill you placed your keychain on, thick clouds have formed overhead in this late-afternoon heat, chasing the sun away completely. You didn't think it would rain today, and you curse to yourself.

They look like storm clouds, and you gulp in nervous anticipation. You hope it's just rain this time.

"Looks like a storm is coming." Spinel says next to you, squinting up at the sky.

"Yeah, let's hope it goes by quickly. We should probably find shelter once we're done and wait for it to pass." You reply as you both breach through the thick of the jungle trees, and you can see the hill with the tree on it.

"If we wait too long though, we might not make it back before it gets dark..." She trails off, and looks to you in concern.

"We'll be fine." You huff. "I think."

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