TWO. you're an avenger, peter parker

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"Well, aren't you two a sight for sore eyes," Happy Hogan approached Nellie and Peter where they sat perched on the steps of the cabin porch.

Peter stood up, shaking his head, "Happy," he said quietly, pulling the man into a tight hug.

Nellie smiled sadly as she, too, stood up to greet him, "You look older now, which means one of two things."

Happy eyed her cautiously, almost warning her not to go there.

Nellie Jenkins Stark was who she was, though.

"You either survived the snap and have still been kicking for the last five years, or you have really let yourself go for the last week," She tried her best to keep a serious face, but Peter's outburst of chuckles also caused her to break.

Happy pulled her in with one arm and rubbed his knuckle against the top of her head, "There's that sweet personality I've just missed so much."

Peter gave Happy a slap on the back, "I'm glad you're here, man. I just can't believe this is reality now."

All of their smiles faded quickly as they remembered that despite all of the reunions, Tony wasn't ever coming back.

Nellie felt Peter's hand envelope hers the second her eyes began to tear up, "Thank you for coming, Hap."

Happy nodded and leaned forward, planting a light kiss on Nellie's hair, "You be good, kid. And you look out for this one," he referenced to Peter.

Peter gave him a weak smile, "I'll see you soon, Happy."

As Happy disappeared into the crowd of amazing individuals such as Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Carol Danvers, and many others, Nellie felt warmth in her heart. It meant so much to her to know that Tony was going to be missed by all of them, as so many things. A father, a friend, a hero.

Peter pulled Nellie around the side of the cabin, away from the others. They walked hand in hand towards a tree, its branches reaching out over the crystal blue lake. Nellie leaned against the trunk, staring at Peter solemnly.

"It's so good to see your face, Nell," Peter whispered, giving her hand a squeeze.

Of the past week, they'd only been able to speak on the phone once, for a very short amount of time. Nellie had a crazy first day back trying to get in touch with her family, to which Tony, of course, was unable to respond. She couldn't get Pepper on the phone either for obvious reasons. Nor Peter. Finally, she took a cab from Manhattan to Queens, and found herself at MJ's doorstep. Luckily for her, MJ was practically there waiting for her, having reappeared where she'd seemingly vanished, too.

Then the pieces started to fall into place, as much as they could. She finally reached Pepper, who got her the first plane ticket out to the cabin in Georgia where the Starks had created a new life. Nellie had no idea what she would be met with when she arrived and ever since she had, nothing had seemed to go right.

"I can't imagine what you were going through, Peter," Nellie mustered up, unable to keep away from the subject.

The funeral had been simple. Pepper, Nellie, and Morgan had placed a bouquet of flowers in the lake along with Tony's arc reactor. Everyone watched as it floated out on the glistening water.

Proof that Tony Stark had a heart, it had read. And everyone there knew he had one. His sacrifices were proof enough, Nellie thought.

Peter clenched his jaw, and released her hand from his. He ran it through his already disheveled hair, and looked out at the lake.

"I don't know what we're gonna do without him," was all he could get out.

"He lost us both Pete, for five years. He thought we were gone forever, too. But he survived it," Nellie reached out to him, placing a gentle hand on his forearm.

He looked back at her and nodded, "We've gotta be there for them now, Nell." His eyes left hers and found Pepper and Morgan in the distance, still in the front yard with the others.

Nellie swallowed, "She has no idea who I am." She sighed, referencing Morgan.

Peter leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against Nellie's forehead, "She will. And she's going to think you're the best big sister ever. Like in the whole universe."

This caused the ghost of a smile dance across Nellie's face, "Thank you, Peter. For everything."

He nodded and closed the space between their lips, really, for the first time in five years. Though it had only felt like two weeks since the last time she'd seen him, in reality, five years had passed while the rest of the world went on in their absence.

Kissing him now was sweeter than before somehow. Maybe it was because she was just so glad that they were back, and with one another. Or maybe it was because of the loss they shared and hurt from. Nellie had hurt before, but this time she wasn't so alone with that feeling.

When they pulled apart, Nellie pressed her head into his chest as he hugged her tightly.

"You knew I was on that ship with Tony, didn't you?" He mumbled into her hair.

She nodded, though somewhat restricted in his hold, "That was where Tony was. When Pepper told me, and I didn't hear from you, I knew you couldn't leave him."

"He needed me, Nell. Or at least I thought he did. Turns out. . .me being there didn't really make any difference after all." His voice trembled still, and she knew he couldn't say his name.

Nellie pulled away and looked up at Peter, "You meant so much to him. You know that."

Peter gulped and bit his lower lip, nodding. The pair remained silent for a moment, looking out at the peaceful scenery. Nellie could see why Tony chose to move the family here. It felt safe -- untouched.

"Hey, Parker." A male's voice interrupted the quiet, though it was probably a good thing.

Silence meant too much thinking. Thinking resulted in sadness.

Peter released Nellie from his arms quickly, and the two stood like sticks next to one another, rather awkwardly.

"H-hey, Mr. Wilson," Peter replied to the man who Nellie recognized as The Falcon.

She wasn't too sure what to say, but she felt she didn't belong in the conversation between them. Just as she was about to leave them be, he stopped her however.

"I'm Sam Wilson," he held a hand out for her to shake, which she did nervously.

"Nellie Jenkins Stark," she offered the best smile she could put on considering the circumstances. She had a hell of a lot of respect for all of them, the ones who tried their best to bring them all back and fight Thanos to the death.

Sam smiled back, and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. He gave it a few pats, "I assume you'll be joining us back in New York in the next few months?"

Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise, "M-me join you for. . .oh yeah, well you know. I'm sure I'll be around."

Sam chuckled and shook his head at the teen, "You bet your red tights-wearing-ass you'll be around, boy. You're an Avenger now, don't forget."

Peter froze and blinked a few times before giving Nellie a side-eye. Nellie, too, was taken by surprise by Sam's words.

Sam let go of Peter's shoulder, "What, you didn't tell your girl the good news?" He looked to Nellie, a cheeky smile on his face, "Your Pops made Peter an Avenger before Thanos dusted our asses."

Nellie's mouth was dry, yet she knew she had to get some words out before Sam said the word 'ass' one more time.

Peter, an Avenger? Officially? Things really were going to be different now.

"Y-yeah, I thought I told you. Didn't I? I didn't? Well, I was in space when it happened so. . .you know. I forgot," Peter stuttered out, stiff as a board. His chest barely moved even when he breathed.

"I think he will make a great addition to your team, sir," Nellie stated firmly, but kindly. She wondered if Peter could see her fingers trembling at her sides.

This news was just dropped on her like a bomb, and she wasn't quite sure how to handle it. But she knew that she believed in Peter with everything in her. Her words were as true as they could be.

Peter was an Avenger now. And he had big shoes to fill.

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