SEVEN. it was all because of you, peter parker

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Later that evening, Peter had worked diligently on setting up a picnic in the field he'd taken Nellie to the night before.

It wasn't much, but it was all he could think of that might help take her mind off of everything. Of course, he too was searching for some kind of distraction. By the end of the week, he'd be packing his bags to head back to New York. Nick Fury needed him -- the Avengers needed him. It was everything he'd ever wanted since he'd met Tony, but now that it was here, and Tony was gone. . .he felt incapable.

So instead of facing his issues head on like any sensible person would, he decided to drag a blanket and some sloppily made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out into a field. To top it all off, the mosquitos were hanging over him like a cloud. Not exactly the peaceful evening he'd planned for, but it would have to do. It was all he could offer.

"This may be the most luxurious date I've ever been on," Nellie said between sips of sparkling apple juice, Peter's choice.

Peter rolled his eyes and swallowed the last bite of his third sandwich, "Have you ever even been on a real date?"

Nellie's eyebrows pulled downward as she thought this through, "Well, come to think of it. No, I haven't."

Peter chuckled and reached a foot out, poking her with his socked toes, "That's what we should do this summer -- go on a real date. . ."

Nellie sighed, putting her glass down carefully. She was sure Peter had stolen it from Tony's liquor cabinet. It was probably worth more than her left leg.

She eyed Peter for a moment through her bangs that were beginning to grow too close to her eyes. If she looked at him long enough, she knew his cheeks would turn bright pink and he'd have to look away. No matter how much time passed, they never could get past that butterfly-feelings stage. Nellie figured it was because she'd spent so long pining over him, and now that he was hers, she still couldn't believe all the waiting had come to an end.

"Well, we have six more days to plan one," Nellie pointed out, picking up her glass again and reaching forward with it.

Peter picked his up, as well, and clinked it against hers.

"Here's to the summer of our dreams," she said sarcastically, with the hint of a smile on her face.

Peter knew it was not real. He knew what it looked like when she was genuinely smiling, because he couldn't get enough of it, and this wasn't it. It hurt him to know how much pain she was in.

He leaned forward and shoved all of the food supplies out of the way, then scooted closer to her. He stretched an arm out, welcoming her in for a hug, which she gladly received.

"What if I'm not good enough?" Peter whispered into her hair before resting his chin on top of her head.

Nellie let out a breath and intertwined their fingers together.

"You will be."

The two sat there like that for a while. Pink began to swirl into the blue sky above them, creating a cotton candy sky. As the sun drew farther, the fireflies began to emerge from the tall grass. One even landed on Nellie's knee, its soft glow illuminating her olive skin.

The moon peered out from behind a fluffy red cloud, revealing just a bit more than it had the night before. It was still just a Waning Gibbous, though. Nellie watched as the firefly left her knee and drifted off towards the sky, almost parallel with the moon from where she sat.

"How did we get here, Pete?" She mumbled, leaning sleepily against his chest.

She felt him suck in a breath before responding, likely taking in the capacity of her question.

Make Him Proud, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now