FIFTEEN. I can do this, peter parker

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Peter threw down his mask on the top of the roof where he'd last seen Nellie.

"Maybe she went back to the hospital," MJ spoke up, offering a solution that Peter highly doubted.

He shook his head, "No, she wouldn't do that. Not knowing you were still down there."

He couldn't believe the situation he was in; MJ knew he was Spider-man. It felt like just yesterday Tony had ended their fight, along with his life. And now, they were right back in the middle of one. Only this time, both Nellie and MJ were in the middle of it, which made it ten times worse for him.

"She's in way over her head," Peter kicked a pipe on the rooftop, then winced.

MJ scrunched her nose in response and ran over to the edge of the roof, attempting to help him search for her.

"Why do you think she's doing this?" Peter questioned aloud, running a hand through his hair.

MJ turned back to look at him, her eyebrows raised, "She just lost the only father she ever had, Parker. And now, she is probably afraid she'll lose you, too."

Peter stared back at her, his mouth dry. He nodded slowly, taking in what she'd said.

"If she comes back here, don't let her leave again," he said, reaching down to grab his mask.

He pulled it over his head and hopped up on the ledge overlooking the city, "Oh, and I guess it goes without saying, but please. . .keep this between us." He referenced his identity before leaping off, leaving MJ to watch from the roof as he soared between the buildings.

He looked for Nellie as he swung above the streets, but ultimately, he knew what path he was on. There was no way she would have went in any other direction than the one he least wanted her to -- the fight.

As Peter got closer to the Sanctum Sanctorum, he could see there was a large hole in the roof. Through it, he spotted Stephen Strange and the enemy, Rhodey, along with Strange's friend, Wong. From what he could tell, they seemed to be handling themselves well, especially Strange and Wong. Rhodey was firing at the woman, as well, but it was no where near as effective as the other two were, telling Peter she was more like them than anything else.

Peter avoided the building, and instead lowered himself to the streets. He needed to pinpoint the two still missing -- Sam Wilson, and Nellie. He had his fingers crossed that they were together; otherwise, he wasn't so sure he'd be finding Nellie easily. He felt his stomach drop at the thought of something having already happened to her. Though he figured if that were the case, Rhodey wouldn't have been inside the Sanctorum. They probably didn't even know she was involved.

"Nellie," Peter whispered as he checked in abandoned cars and the alleys between buildings. If she was as smart as he thought, she'd be hiding. But something told him she was far too stubborn.

As he turned a corner around one of the wrecked vehicles, he was blasted with a beam and sent flying backwards. He hit the outside wall of the Sanctorum before falling forward on his face.


He looked up wearily through his mask as he heard her familiar voice. He saw Nellie running over to him. As she reached him and knelt down to help him stand, he noticed her hand.

"What is that?" Peter questioned her as he got back to his feet. He grabbed her arm and began leading her away from the Sanctorum; that building was the last place he wanted Nelly remotely close to.

"I'm so sorry," Nellie apologized, making him realize the blast that hit him had come from it -- from her.

"Are you crazy?" Peter exclaimed, tugging her down behind a car.

It was then that he noticed Sam, hunkered down surrounded by a puddle of blood. He was alive, but his eyes were dull. He'd been wounded; that much Peter knew.

"What happened?" He rushed over to Sam, examining the makeshift tourniquet around his bicep.

"He's lost a lot of blood. We need to get him to the hospital," Nellie explained, ignoring everything Peter was asking her.

He shook his head, looking between Nellie and Sam, "I told you to wait on the roof."

Nellie bit her lip anxiously, "Oops?"

Sam groaned as he shifted himself further upright, "Can you guys talk about this later? You're not about to let me die from a paper cut, are you?"

Peter sighed, "This looks a lot worse than a paper cut, Sam. Can you stand?"

Nellie put her hand on Peter's chest, "You go. I'll get him out of here."

"Absolutely not," Peter shook his head. "If he can't stand and you can't lift him, neither of you are getting very far."

"They need you in there, Peter." Nellie argued, putting her arm under Sam's. She used all of her strength to help him stand.

Sam stumbled back, but gripped the hood of the vehicle he'd been leaning against with his good arm. He blinked a few times.

"We don't have time for this. Peter, get your spidey-ass in there and fight. I can walk," Sam muttered, though the second he tried to take a step he fell into Peter's arms.

Nellie sucked in a breath, pressing her palm to her forehead, "His radial artery was cut. He's lost too much, Peter."

Peter nodded, helping Sam lean back against the car again, "He'll pass out before you're able to get anywhere."

He stared at Nellie for a second and then at her hand, knowing the gauntlet was something Tony must have given her. Though he wasn't sure why he hadn't known about it until now. Maybe she hadn't, either.

"Do you know how to use that thing?" Peter questioned her seriously, glancing at Sam to make sure he was okay.

Nellie shrugged, her voice shaky, "I can figure it out if I have to."

Peter shook his head with a dry chuckle, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Nell. You're coming with us."

Nellie nodded and took up Sam's other side.

"Cover us if we're spotted, but luckily for us, I don't think this fight is about us. I think she's after Strange," Peter explained as he took a step forward, urging Nellie to copy him.

With both of them on either side of Sam, they could feel his body going slack.

"He's fainting," Nellie grunted as she forced his weight up, trying to prevent him from falling.

"We're a block away from a medical center. No ER, but they should be able to stabilize him," Peter pointed out, pulling most of Sam's weight along with him.

He glanced over at Nellie, watching her struggle to support Sam's other side.

"You can let go, Nell. I think I can handle him--"

"No," Nellie shook her head abruptly, "I can do this."

"I know you can, Nell," Peter nodded, glancing over at her with a reassuring smile. She was too focused on each step to notice him. He knew he was carrying most of Sam's weight. He knew she had no idea, either. She wanted to help Sam at all costs, even though she was struggling to do so. He knew that even though she wasn't like them, she wanted to help in any way she could.

He admired her like hell for it, too.

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