SEVENTEEN. I'm not like you, peter parker

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The next morning, Peter and Nellie walked hand in hand from Sam's hospital room back up to Happy's. Sam had been transported over sometime in the early morning from the Medical Center, and Nellie and Peter had rode along with him in the ambulance, despite the driver's protests.

Rhodey had exchanged a few words with the driver, probably using Tony Stark's name to get them in. Nellie didn't care, though. What she cared about was making sure that Sam didn't wake up in the hospital room alone.

It wasn't like Peter and Nellie were Sam's friends; they barely knew the guy. But Nellie had stayed by his side when he'd been hurt, and like Peter kept trying to remind her, she might have just saved his life. Somehow, she felt responsible for making sure he knew after everything, there were people waiting for him to wake up -- to make sure he was alright.

After Sam had come to, Peter and Nellie spent about an hour with him. Peter explained how the fight had ended, mostly thanks to Dr. Strange and Wong. Nellie asked his nurse about a billion questions making sure that he was going to be alright before the two of them went up to see Happy, whom she knew was going to give her an earful.

"You never said why you came back," Peter said quietly as they stepped into the elevator at the end of the hall.

Nellie followed him in and watched as he pushed the button, almost as if he was a child just jumping at the chance to do so.

"I'm not like you, Pete, I know that--"

Peter leaned in and caught her lips against his.

"And that's why I like you," he joked as he pulled away.

She smiled up at him, but shook her head, "No, I mean. . .I'll never be like you and my dad. Having this," she looked at her wrist, referring to the bracelet from Tony, "doesn't mean I have some sort of legacy like you."

"But I'm okay with that. I just felt in that moment, that coming back was the right thing to do. It's what Tony Stark would have done. And I felt like it's what he would have wanted me to do."

Peter ruffled her bangs with his fingertips, "Tony would have wanted you to be safe."

Nellie chuckled, "Please, I didn't even get to use this thing. And the fight was over before I even made it back to you huffing and puffing along the way."

Peter threw up his hands, "Actually, you did get to use that thing, remember? You blasted me with it." He grinned from ear to ear, a real smile that Nellie needed to see.

She pushed him playfully as the elevator came to a stop, the doors sliding open.

"I don't wanna be a hero, Peter. I just want you to know, though, that if I have the opportunity to help. . .I want to try." She stopped him before he exited, taking his hand in hers.

Peter nodded understandingly, and pulled her along with him.

"Let's see to it that you learn how to properly use that thing, though," he laughed, walking with her around the corner towards Happy's room.

"Don't worry, I don't think I'll have reason to blast my boyfriend again anytime soon," she chuckled as they stepped into the room.

Happy spewed his drink all over himself upon hearing her words, causing Peter and Nellie to scrunch up their faces in confusion.

"No, no!" Happy shook his head, his face as red as a tomato. "There will be no blasting of boyfriends, ever!"

Peter covered his mouth and tried not to laugh whereas Nellie felt as if she might faint.

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