FOURTEEN. in way over my head, peter parker

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It had been more than five minutes, and Nellie was beginning to freak out. More so than she had been before.

She stood at the edge of the roof, squinting her eyes to get a clearer picture of what was going on below her. Everyone looked like tiny ants from the skyscraper, and she couldn't spot Peter's red suit anywhere on the streets or against the skyline, either.

She waited a minute longer, but that was all she could take. More explosions continued, along with the firing of weapons, and other alarming sounds that told Nellie the other Avengers must have arrived. With no sign of Peter or MJ, she could no longer continue to be a sitting duck.

Nellie took off across the roof to the stairway, pulling the door open and slipping in quickly. She must have jammed the elevator button with her shaking thumb at least thirty times before it finally reached the top floor to retrieve her. She rushed in and pressed the L button for the lobby.

Her heart was beating a mile a minute; it was the closest she'd been to any of Peter's conflicts since the night of Homecoming, when Mister Negative had taken her hostage to lure in Peter.

As she descended to the bottom, one floor at a time, her phone begin to buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out instantly, thinking it might be Peter, only to be met with Happy's contact.

"Uh, hey-hey Happy," She answered, failing to sound as casual as she thought she did.

"Tell me you're down in the hospital cafeteria getting me a ham sandwich," his voice was firm on the other end of the line, but worried.

Nellie clenched her teeth, watching as the number three appeared in glowing yellow font on the elevator ceiling, "I'm in the hospital cafeteria getting you a ham sandwich."

"Then why is your GPS alerting me that you're in Greenwich Village." Now he was the one speaking through clenched teeth. "Which according to the news is exactly where some of the remaining Avengers are having a shoot-out with an unidentified enemy from space?"

Nellie gasped, "Since when do you have a GPS tracker on my phone?"

"Since the day you started dating Peter's dumb ass, and it was for this exact reason!" Happy shouted into the phone.

The elevator dinged and Nellie ran out into the building's lobby. By then, a janitor was the only one inside mopping the floor. She nearly wiped out as she ran across the wet marble, the janitor shouting at her as she did so.

"I'm sorry, sir! So sorry!" She yelled at the janitor before pushing the big glass doors open and running out into the street.

"Hap, I can't talk right now." Nellie breathed out, dodging a cab that nearly ran into her as she darted to the other side of the road where she and MJ had been standing.

"You are going to regret--"

"As always, you're probably right!" Nellie shouted into the speaker as she pressed the end call button. She'd apologize to him later, and probably every day until the end of time knowing his ability to hold out a grudge.

She made it to the other side of the street but MJ was no where to be seen, nor was Peter. She looked up to the sky but still couldn't spot them.

"Where the heck are they?" She muttered to herself, taking off down the sidewalk towards all the noise.

She wasn't a hero; she knew that much. But MJ and Peter were no where to be seen, and she was not just going to wait around just to find out she had two more people to bury. She was done saying goodbye.

"Peter!" Nellie shouted before clamping her hand over her mouth.

She looked around, but most people were running away, weaving around her as they shouted. They definitely weren't paying a misplaced teenage girl any mind.

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