THIRTEEN. the secret's out, peter parker

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Nellie and MJ snuck up the subway stairs, trailing the black-haired woman from a distance.

They had finally gotten out of the subway unscathed; the woman Nellie believed to be the one that Peter had mentioned had not seen them -- or if she had, she didn't care. She had lingered on the subway platform for several minutes in silence before turning and making her way to the Bleecker Street exit.

The power had been restored in the subway as she'd disappeared to the stairs, and the doors had opened, allowing the two girls to make their break.

"So, you're just not going to say anything?" MJ asked from behind Nellie.

Nellie continued her haste up the stairs, her nose scrunching in response to MJ's words.

"Nell!" MJ stopped halfway on the stairs and grabbed Nellie's hand, nearly causing her to trip.

Nellie spun around, their eyes locking, "I don't know what you're talking about, MJ."

MJ rolled her eyes, "Then why are we chasing after this woman?"

"I can't tell you. I just need you to trust me," Nellie replied, her cheeks growing hot.

She hated playing dumb to her best friend, but Peter's secret was something she swore to him she'd never tell another living soul.

"Just say it! Peter is Spider-M--"

Nellie lurched forward, slapping her hand over MJ's mouth. The slap was a bit harder than she'd planned, causing MJ to push her away in response.

Nellie stumbled, falling on her butt on the stairs. Her heart was racing.

MJ put her hand out, which Nellie neglected to take.

"H-how did you know?" She stuttered out, her voice shaky.

"Well, I didn't. Not for sure. I was like sixty-seven percent sure. Now, now I'm positive."

Nellie sucked in a breath before pulling herself up and returning to her ascend up the stairs. MJ followed behind, both of them nearly out of breath by the time they reached the top.

"Great, we lost her." Nellie threw her hands up, looking up and down the sidewalk.

"Are we just not going to talk about this?" MJ demanded, getting in front of Nellie.

Nellie put her hand on her forehead, wiping away the sweat that had collected close to her bangs.

"It's not my secret to tell, MJ."

"The secret's out, Jenkins."

"It's Jenkins Stark," Nellie corrected her, becoming fed up that no one could seem to get her name straight.

It wasn't really that that bothered her; it was that MJ knew the one thing she wasn't supposed to, and Nellie wasn't able to stop it. And Peter was going to freak out.

"Fine, Nellie. Be that way. But I'm not following some deadly alien woman without some answers," MJ sighed, turning around to walk away.

She was about to put her headphones back on her head, but Nellie reached out and stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, MJ. He swore me to secrecy," Nellie explained, hoping her friend would understand.

MJ shook her head, "And I thought there were no secrets between us."

"Well, apparently not any well-kept secrets. . ." Nellie responded, letting her hand drop from MJ's denim jacket.

MJ watched it, but didn't say anything for a second. She just stared at Nellie's hand, where it now rested at her side.

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