Chapter 2.

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Sadly the Winter Break had ended for other and they bummed out for going back to School, but not for Shadow's school. The school was called East High School known as the Wildcats.

In front of the school court will see people saying hello to their friends and the basketball teams were playing around near the bus stop waiting for their team captain and friend that is Shadow.
They were playing while some fans and cheerleaders were watching their beloved players who were...
Mephiles, Knuckle, Infinite, and Fleetway.
The yellow bus came along and stop in front of them. The doors opened and Shadow made an appearance. Mephiles spotted him first and run up to him and the crowd surrounded them.
"Shadow! How ya doing man?"
"Hey, Mephiles, what's up?" Shadow looked at everyone.
"Hey, guys, happy new year." Mephiles snort.
"Uh yeah! It's a happy Wildcats new year!"
"You're the man!" Someone yelled at Shadow and he nodded at that
person. Mephiles continue talking.
"In two weeks, we're going to the championships with you leading us to infinity and beyond."
The whole crowd were screaming their sound off as they walked to the school doors.
Meanwhile in the hallways. Two people were walking and everyone made a whole space area to let them through or most likely let their drama queen passed through. The other person was her brother.
Their drama queen was a pink girl called Amy Rose Evans and her brother was Miles (Tails) Prowler Evans. Tails is like a right hand man to Amy.
The team saw them and began to make fun of Amy because the way she was with her fashion and money.
Infinite started to speak.
"The ice princess returned from the north pole." They were snickering. Mephiles decided add to that.
"You know. She spent the holidays the way she always does."
"Oh how's that?" Shadow asked.
"Shopping for mirrors." Mephiles simply said.
The crowd goes 'oh!!!" And they all passed a group of observers. Lead by a feminine silver boy called Silver.
"Urg, behold the zoo animals heralding the new year. How tribal." He said with an attitude.
The bell rings and the everyone start moving faster than before. Silver jump and say goodbye to the group.
He goes to his class knowing that he will be struck with the team and drama queen for the first period.

On the other side of the school. Two blue hedgehog and a purple hedgehog were walking in hallway, leading the new student to their first class. It was the principal name Aleena and Sonic and his mother.
Sonic was so nervous again. he always felt this every time he moved to different schools every year and he hated it. He looks as a mother and starts talking.
"Mom, my stomach..." His mother interrupts.
"Its always nervous on first day a new school. You'll do great. You always do."  His mother tired to give him courage and confidence. "And I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate."
"I reviewed your impressive transcript. Your light will shine bright at East High." Aleena said looking at the paper on her hand and she gave the schedule to Sonic. Sonic quickly looked at her mother one more time.
"I don't want to be the school's freaky genius again." His mother put her hands on Sonic face.
"Just be Sonic." She said. She give him a kiss goodbye. Aleena grabbed Sonic arm to lead him to his class. Sonic walked away while looking his mom.

Sonic entered the classroom and everyone were distracted when their stuff. Sonic meet his teacher as he give his papers to her. The teacher was called Ms. Vanilla. Sonic try to walked get to his seat as he squeeze in to some people but he doesn't noticed Shadow was in the same classroom as him.
Shadow was busy talking to Knuckle until he noticed some some familiar pairs of blue quills. He try to get a good look to see that his mind wasn't playing. But Amy come over and block his way.
"Hi Shadow." She said seductive. Shadow wasn't paying attention.
"Uh.... Hi" He said trying to look.
The bell rings again sending everyone to his seats. But Shadow doesn't move at all. Ms. Vanilla start talking.
"Ah!!! I trust you all had splendid holiday. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities, Mr. Doom." Shadow turned around and see Ms. Vanilla. Took the que to sit down. Mephiles tap Shadow shoulder and asked is he was ok. He nodded. Ms. Vanilla continue talking. "... Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions and pairs auditions for our two leads."
Amy and Tails looks at each other and smiled of excitement. Mephiles makes a who cared sign. Ms Vanilla walked up to him.
"Mr. Dark, this is a place of learning, not a hockey arena." She said as he spot his basketball. Mephiles hid it.
"There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition. Chem Club president Silver Mchessey can answer all of your questions about that." Silver happily rise his hand to shows who he was. Meanwhile Shadow take his phone out and called a certain blue hedgehog. The whole class hear the ring tone. Shadow eyes wide out of shocked. Amy and Tails have took out their phones already, to check if was for them. Sonic was going to his bags to get his phone. Ms. Vanilla got annoyed.
"Ah, the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning." She grabbed a bucket. Amy and Tails were confused. Amy looks at Tails asked if was his phone and he said no. Ms. Vanilla walked to them.
"Amy and Miles, cell phones. And I will you in detention." Amy gasped as she gives her phone away and Tails does the same. Ms. Vanilla walked up to Sonic and Shadow finally saw him.
"We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class, so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone." Sonic gives his away as well so he won't get in more in trouble. Ms. Vanilla walked up to Shadow as she saw his phone out too. Sonic had also saw Shadow too.
"And welcome to East High, Mr. Montes. Mr. Doom, I see your phone is involved. So we will see you in detention as well" Shadow put his phone on the bucket. Mephiles spoke up to defend Shadow.
"That's not a possibility, Ms. Vanilla. Your Honor,see, 'cause we have basketball practice and Shadow..."
"Ah, that will be 15 minutes you too, Mr. Dark. Count'em." Mephiles felt stab.
"Could be tough for Mephiles. He can't count that high." Silver said to Knuckle that was behind him and to other students.
"Silver Mchessey, 15 minutes." Silver gasp. Ms. Vanilla hit the bucket hard on Shadow desk. "Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over, people. Way over! Now, any more comments, questions?" The class went to silent but then Knuckle rise his hand.
"How were your holidays, Ms. Vanilla?"
The whole class groan because of that stupid question. Luckily the bell ring and everyone left the classroom. Shadow went to the hallway and wait for Sonic come out. Mephiles handshake Shadow goodbye and his friends did the same.
Sonic come out of the room. Shadow saw him and he run up to him. He touched him and Sonic saw him.
"Hey!" Shadow said
"I don't-" Sonic said.
"Believe it."
"Well, me..."
"Either. But how?"
"My mom's company transferred her here to Mobius. I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day."
"We had to leave first thing." Shadow explain quietly.
"Why are you whispering?" Sonic asked.
"What? Oh, uh... My friends know about the snowboarding. I haven't quite told them about the singing thing."
"Too much for them to handle?"
"No, it was cool. But, you know, my friends, it's, uh... It's not what I do. That was, like, a different person." Sonic walked to the other hallway. Shadow looked at him and smiled as he catch up to him.
"So, uh... anyway, welcome to East High." They saw the sign-up sheets. "Now that you've met Ms. Vanilla, l bet you just can't wait to sign up for that."
"I won't be signing up for anything for a while. I just wanna get to know the school. But if you sign up, I'd consider coming to the show." He smiled and Shadow signed.
"Yeah, yeah. That's completely impossible." Then Amy show up out of nowhere.
"What's impossible, Shadow? I thought impossible wasn't in your vocabulary." She smiled. Amy saw Sonic and noticed how much attention Shadow give him. She felt jealous but 'play it cool'.
"It so nice to show the new kid around." Sonic just kept quiet and smiling. Amy just took her pink pen and walked over the sign-up sheet to the pairs section and cover every lines spelling her name. Sonic just looked at her in wow of how rude she was for other people that could've wanted to be in a pair for the audition. When she was done, she looked at Sonic.
"Oh, were you going to sign up too?" Sonic and Shadow were just looking at each other not knowing what to say but Amy continue talking. "My brother and I have starred in all the school's production and we really welcome newcomers. There are a lot of supporting roles. I'm sure we could find something for you." Sonic cut her out by laughing.
"No, no, no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards." Shadow nodded as agreement. "Lots going on at this school. Wow." Sonic stared at Amy handwriting and look at her. "Nice penmanship." He said while walking away. He looked at Shadow one more time before disappearing. Amy saw that and felt jealous. She looks at  Shadow saw him leaving but she stop him.
"So, Shadow. I missed you during vacation. What'd you do?" Amy said sounded interesting.
"You know, um... played basketball, snowboarding, more basketball."
"When's the big game?"
"Two weeks." He simply said trying to end the conversation. Amy looked all over him.
"You are so dedicated. Just like me!" She squeak. Shadow nodded. "I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise?" Shadow kinda nodded not wanting to accept. He began to walked away.
"Toodles!" Amy screamed.
"Toodles." He said and finally left. Amy kept smiling till he disappear. She glare at the direction where Sonic went and walked away.

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