𝓞𝔁𝔂𝓰𝓮𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓯𝓽

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"Um, okay, how does it go...?" He
silently asked himself as he cradled the
crying five-month-old in his arms.

"Twinkle twinkle little star... How I
wonder what you are..." He sang, and
paused for a moment, trying to remember
the next line of the song he hasn't heard
since last decade.

"Up above a world so high... Like a
diamond in the sky..." He felt some relief
rush over him as he noticed the crying
getting gradually more quiet.

"Twinkle twinkle little star... How I
wonder what you are~."

A small smile appeared on his face as
his daughter's crying had subsided completely,
just because of a simple song. He gently cradled
her in his arms, humming softly as he watched her
finally start to fall asleep.

Just two years ago, he would've called anyone
doing this for a child a pansy, but, now he was starting
to understand.

He may not have planned to have this baby at all.
Maybe he wasn't prepared to take care of her at all, or
let her go down this path. But, well, here he was now,
putting his daughter in a box, cushioned with a pillow
and some blankets as his make-shift cradle.

"Sleep well, dear."

"[𝔻/ℕ], are you sure your daughter will act in a well-behaved manner?" A raspy voice spoke to the father-daughter duo in front of him. His red eyes bored into the sight of them.

"Yes, Tomura, you can depend on it," [D/N] spoke in a confident manner with his back straight as he stood. "And I can assure you, she will be very useful to us. She can make someone pass out in a matter of moments with her quirk. I'll tell you, once you'll see it, you'll be amazed."

[Y/N] couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly when the two men weren't looking at her. Her fingers grazed against her gloved hand as she stared at her surroundings. She wasn't sure quite where she was in town, but did, at least, know that this was where her father worked, yet it had been the first time she'd seen it.

To her knowledge, this group was only recently formed, yet knew a few of its members. The League of Villains was what they decided to call it - a rather boring name if you were to ask her.

The room she sat in looked like a bar, which was only one room of the large building, yet it seemed abandoned. This excluded its new residents, of course.

"[F/N], My Treasure." [D/N] spoke up to the [H/C]ette girl, catching her attention, finally. "Show him your quirk."

"You... Want me to use it on him...?" She asked quietly.

"No, no," [D/N] sighed, "On me. You cannot harm these people unless you are training."

With a barely noticeable nod, [Y/N] glanced up at the white haired male in front of her, apparently of the name Tomura Shigaraki. Shigaraki was what she was told to call him, however, out of "respect" for the man who was just half a decade older than she was.

"It's not like I have a choice in any of this in the first place..." She thought.

[Y/N] turned her attention back to her father and obeyed her orders. She lifted a hand ever so slightly, and her fist started to clench, slowly, but surely. Her [E/C] eyes stayed focused on the [H/C]-haired man. As her fist closed tighter and tighter, [D/N] grew more and more noticeably tired and out of breath. He was panting and gasping for air, and after only ten seconds, snapped his fingers twice. [Y/N] released her fist and placed her hand back down by her side.

ℂ𝕌ℝ𝕊𝔼 {𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕪𝕒 𝕩  𝔽𝕖𝕞!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣}Where stories live. Discover now