The Beaker!

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Danny is a small boy, 10-years-old. He lives with his weird family of Ghost-Hunters.

Both his parents are obsessed with Ghosts and would do anything to prove their theories.

Danny, being of young age, didn't listen when his parents tell him to not go into the lab.

But a trait from his parents of curiosity, he always is able to sneak in.

One day, he had his two best friends with him for a sleepover.

Tucker Foley, Geek, and Nerd, but mostly just love to read comic books.

Samantha Manson likes dark clothes, hates bright colors, and loves nature. (don't call her Samantha)

Danny Fenton, Geek but about stars, and comic books.

They were all in Danny's room, talking when Sam suggested something.

"Hey, Danny? Your parents work with machines and science stuff like in the movies?" Sam asked. "yup! It's pretty cool",

"Can you show us!" Both Sam and Tucker looked at Danny especially.

"I don't know guys, My mom says is dangerous to go in the lab", Danny said scratching his neck.

"But you go in it all the time!" Sam sighed.

"yeah and you haven't gotten hurt!",

Danny nodded to this "alright, stay close then!"

With that, the three went to the basement.

At the moment, Danny's parents were at the shops and the three annoyed Jazz into her room.

So they were free to do what they wanted.

Danny leads his friends into the lab.

It was a mess with machines and all kinds of stuff they didn't understand.

But they were staring at everything with wonder.

"So cool!"

"It's like we are in a mad scientist lab!"

As they were looking around, Danny made sure his parents weren't home yet.

"Hey! Danny! What's this!"

Sam was holding a beaker of green liquid. Danny quickly snatched it out of her hands "Sam! Be careful! My mom said most of the stuff in here is dangerous, just one push could cant- cantam ugh! Hurt us!"

Sam looked guilty "sorry"

Danny went to put the beaker back on the counter when "Danny! Kids!!!"

It was his mom! They were back!

Danny flinched and the green goo fell all over him.

The beaker breaking. It burned, Danny screamed.

His mom and dad ran down to see Danny on the floor with an empty broken beaker on the floor. Sam and Tucker trying to see what happened to Danny.

Danny stared at his hands, it burned, but it's gone?

"Daniel Fenton!" his mom shouted. Danny flinched. "you broke the one rule we have in this house! Get to your room! Same with you two, I will call your parents",

"But Mrs. Fenton! It was me and Tucker that made Danny take us down here, don't blame him!" Sam said.

"We just wanted to see your cool lab!" Tucker put in still founding on the cool stuff.

Younger days (Danny Phantom Fanfic) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now