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Danny Sam and Tucker were at school. It was a slow day, but Danny couldn't concentrate on anything. His mind has been all over the place since this morning.

And the school seemed sadder than usual. Danny was sitting in Latin class, The teacher was talking about something in Latin making everyone very confused while he stared at out the window. Cujo stayed home today which he was fine with, Cujo does his own thing anyway.

"Mr.Fenton! Please come and read on the board since the outside world is more interesting than my work" The teacher Mr.Tang shouted. Danny nodded and read the board. A month ago, he would have had no idea what was written there. But now, he could read it like it was English.

"The dog jumped over the fence" Danny read. He spoke clearly and said every world right. Mr. Tang's eyes widened, he wanted Danny to say a word wrong so he can embarrass himself in front of his Peers, but that plan backfired. He cleared his voice "good work Mr.Fenton" and continued his lecture.

Danny went back to gazing out the window.

The bell then rang.

Sam glanced worriedly over to Danny as they packed up their stuff.

"Danny are you okay? we've been spaced out for most of the day?" Tucker asked. Danny saw the worried looks on his friend's faces "I'm fine guys, just a bit not here today" he said. 

They went to thier next class but was stopped by pushing Danny.

He fell to the floor as everyone laughed. "watch where you're going, Fen-turd!"

Dash Baxter, the school Bully, Jock, and most popular kid in school. He has always had a grudge agast Danny, always picking on him, unless Danny stays out of his way.

Danny got off the floor grumbling "I didn't stay you can get up, Fenton!" Dash pushed him again.

"Leave him alone Dash!" Sam yelled. She stepped in front of Danny while Tucker helped him up "oh yeah! what are you going to do girly?" Dash taunted. Sam smirked "I wouldn't provoke me if I were you" Sam then whispered something to Dash. Dash's eyes winded and he seemed nerves, but then he got his cool and glared at them "Your off the hook, for now"

He and his other Jock friends walked away "what did you say to him?" Tucker asked. Sam still had her smirk "just something I overheard but it won't keep him away for long" She said.

Danny nodded. "I will steer clear of him, well try too anyway"


It was lunch and Danny was by his locker, Sam had gone to a teacher quickly taking Tucker with her. So Danny was going to wait for them by the astrometry classroom.

But while he was waiting, Dash was coming. Danny went to hid in the class but it was locked. "Looks like you don't have any of your friends to help you now Fen-toad!"

Dash picked Danny up before he could run, Dash was the biggest kid in the school and the most athletic. So picking Danny up was nothing, Danny is a small kid, even for a 10-year-old.

Dash went to the nearest locker. The one he chose was old and rusty and was hanging open.

Dash stuffed Danny in "Get comfortable Fenton, you're going to be in here for a while" and he shut it closed.

Danny hit the locker "Dash! don't leave me in here, let me out!!!" he screamed, but Dash just laughed and walked away.

Danny tried to open it but Dash slammed in shut. "Anyone! help!" Danny called. but everyone would be at the cafeteria or outside. Maybe his friends were on their way. AH! he wished he could go intangible!

Younger days (Danny Phantom Fanfic) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now