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Jasmine pov
They looked at me . Looked at me . I looked at the three Imbeciles and said " run." They giggled while Jimin smirked and walked over to me and kissed my lips then walked out the door I looked at them and they smirked while I blushed .
"JIMIN ,TAE ,KOOKIE GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW ." They chuckled and came running down the stairs and said"babygirl does that man know your ours ." I looked at them in disbelief "HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND YOU IMBECILES."

They laughed and walked over to me Jimin kissed my lips kookie kissed my neck and tae kissed my thighs

I moaned


They smirked against my flesh I was brought back out of my day dream when I heard a car go past I pushed them off and they chuckled and grabbed my hand and said

"Come on princess daddy's need to show you that your ours ." They Walked towards  there car I frowned and spoke "umm why are we going to your car ." They smirked and spoke " oh baby we are going to take you somewhere else ."

I giggled and nodded with that we carried on walking

Chapter 12
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