23-slight smut-

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Jimin pov
I smirked towards tae and kookie as we watched her walk up the stair I signaled toward the other to and we walked up the stairs


Once we got there i put my ear to the door and heard moaning "what's going on hyung ". I scoffed and pushed back " she's in there fucking someone else kookie she wants to get punished tonight doesn't she ". We was about to do something when we heard " ahh j-Jimin m-more ". I smirked towards the boys and walked inside .

Jasmine pov
I was in the middle of pleasuring my self when the door opens and someone removed my fingers and replaced them with there's "ohhhh". I opens my eyes and saw 3 smirking boys looking at me I blushed and hid my face .

They laughed and pulled my hands away from my face and Jimin leaned forward and grabbed my lips in his and pulled mine toward his , he kissed me with so much passion kookie and tae cane beside me and grabbed my hands to put it toward there crotch they moaned and I grabbed at there's .

"B-b-BOYS!!." They pulled away and smirked " yes princess how can we help ".  I groaned and spoke while laying my head in the pillow and spoke through my breath " fuck me please ". They laughed an nodded just before any of them could do what they wanted my phone rang we all groaned and all problem thinking the moods over .

I grabbed my phone and groaned when I found out who it was .

Katie ❤️
Hey bitch ...

Really I was busyyy and you ruined it I was about to get fucked tonight 😭😭

Wow 😯 very straight forward well I was about to ask if you want to go to our ??

REALLY... fuck off bitch 😂

😯 okay I hope you get fucked really good tonight and come home really sore  , Jackson said the same ...😂

Wow thank's tell him he's lucky I'm not there to chop his dick off. 😂😂 gtg babe I'll let you know ..💋

Katie ❤️
Bye bitch ❤️💋

Jimin pov
"Who ruined the mood ". I spoke very bluntly she laughed and kissed the corner of my lip " it was just Katie ". Oh for fuck sake that bitch " course ". " mmmhhmmm did you say something baby  ".i smiled

"Nope not a all ".

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