Chapter 6

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Outside of the dark van window, twilight consumed the world. My eyes glazed over with a sudden awareness, and I pulled myself out of the door frame. The trees circled around me with bright leaves, covered in dark light. The wind rushed past me, leaving me with an uncertain high. I glanced to the sky to see a quarter moon fixated in the eastern sky. A voluminous rectangular mountain was silhouetted by the last sliver of sun. I smelled pine in the air, and crunching leaves at my feet.

The house was very... small. It was spread across an incline in the narrow patch of grass between more trees. I couldn't tell the true color of any of it, due to the stain of darkness. I leaned against the open van door, and breathed it all in. The cold stung in my throat, and I figured it was a sign to get the ordeal over with. I was grotesquely awake as I drug my bags into the loud room. It would have been better to be half asleep and claim to have missed half the conversation, or to have actually missed it.

Inside the house was cooler than the outside air, of course, but I had grown used to the chills- though my body still shivered at the thought. I had entered a heated argument, and tried my hardest to turn and run. Once again, a voice caught me in the act. I must spend some time practicing my stealth.

"Brianna, don't run. Come here."

Rosalyn had an eccentric, yet sinister, smile relaxed on her face. Though, maybe I was only imagining it. The others- four boys I didn't know, two females, and Leon- stood patiently awaiting my return. I twisted my body, too obviously forced, to turn to them.

The four boys were beautiful, but did not compare to the way Leon's dark beauty captivated me. Yet, I was captivated still. The first had chestnut hair parted down the center, and his emerald eyes bloomed underneath. He had a good build, but you would assume he hadn't worked much by his lack of bulky muscles. He wore designer jeans, and a t-shirt underneath a suit jacket. He was beautiful, with his coy smile fading slowly as he realized I was scrutinizing him. So I moved on.

The next boy had shoulder length, glistening brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He wore a button up shirt, unbuttoned fashionably over another shirt, and it suited him well. He seemed the kindest, as he smiled to me empathetically. With a look that I understood as "I am so sorry about this." I will want to befriend him, my inner voice whispered in my ear.

Then, there was the boy standing in between Leon and Rosalyn, who looked dangerous. His hair was dark brown and neck length, but his skin and eyes gave him away- he was not one of them. His bones jutted out creating an angular, sickened face. He looked inhuman, in a sense. He lifted a wicked smile, planning something I was sure I couldn't imagine.

The last of the boys sat in the corner, his legs crossed gracefully. He looked almost feline the way he watched detached. He released a wide yawn, and then his face returned to its former detachment. He acted completely bored with the argument, waving it off like an offer to the opera.

Then, there was Leon, standing stoically in the center of the large room. My mind continued to trail on about Leon's features- only interrupted once one of the females I'd glanced over spoke. She had pale blonde hair and dark eyes that felt like icicles piercing you- no, because icicles didn't hurt mentally.

"So this is her? You were right, she is too small."

The words made an attempt to bury themselves under my skin- coming from a much more beautiful woman- but I defeated their efforts due to years of practice. I just grunted in annoyance. I didn't want to debate about my size with someone I hardly knew, with who knows how many of these on her side- all of them? Plus, I was only trying to survive physically and mentally. What a-

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