Chapter 22

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"Why doesn't Jezebel come herself?" Leon scorned.

J.T. was strangely military oriented. He stood straight, stiff, and ready. His face had fallen this morning, and I feared I'd never see it lift into his half grin ever again. I wasn't in love with him, but I did love him. It seemed that the day I came in contact with these creatures, a trigger was pulled inside of me, firing off the fireworks of every type of love I'd ever denied anyone.

My heart was being strangled by the impossible loves, and my mind by the possibility that these could ever exist inside of me.

"The queen had business to attend to, drawing her elsewhere. The Ivory League was eager to assist. If you will make this simpler on yourself, please submit early on."

"I don't think so," my head snapped to the sound of Trevor's voice. He strode to stand behind Leon. He was no longer charred to a flaky onyx, but exactly as he was the first night I saw him; feline.

"Not to cause a raucous," he bowed low, with a large showy hand twirl. J.T.'s face did not shift as Trevor returned upright with an obnoxious sneer. "But I will not let this man leave here, today."

"That isn't a problem; you would be coming with him. The queen enjoys punishing the deserters."

J.T. sneered the same way Trevor had, mocking him in return.

"I like to punish egotistical scum like you."

Before Trevor could lunge forward, Leon had his arm placed as a restraint. Trevor almost pounced onto Leon, but thought better after viewing the desolate seriousness of his face.

He nodded and stepped away. My face fell into fear and shock. What was going on? Have they already lost? Was he planning to forfeit? Trevor began to walk past me, but did the strangest thing possibly imaginable.

He stuck his tongue out playfully, and winked.

To me.

Was it some sort of code? Some signal? Did he think I was someone else? Why had he changed his attitude towards me? Towards the situation?

"Relax, your hairline's receding. We've got this." Trevor stopped beside me. I began to stress more, afraid that it was another ploy to kill me- not that I minded, I just wanted a warning. But he waved Jermaine my way, and I turned to see. She cautiously walked towards me.

She bowed her head and stopped steps behind Trevor... afraid of me...

I nodded my head. "Jermaine," I acknowledged.

She glanced up, but locked her eyes abruptly to her feet. Trevor nudged her, and she leered sideways.

Releasing a sigh she started ", I'm sorry I made a plan to kill you. I'm not only saying it to get us out of this situation, either. I wanted to tell you about it sooner, but with the way I looked you wouldn't have believed me."

"Sorry about that, I was-"

"No, don't worry. We understand." Trevor reconciled. "I'm also sorry about that little aspiration to kill you. It was completely irate. Plus," he grinned wicked-like ", you're too fun to play with to kill."

I rolled my eyes. Eyes I had not seen for weeks. Eyes that might as well have turned completely black.

"I still don't I like you, but I just wanted you to know that I do respect how you've dealt with everything."

"So you didn't want me to die?"

"No, no," she answered. "I desired your death more than my own, but I thought it was a good thing that you tried to... work by yourself. Well, I actually have no idea what I'm saying, but-"

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