Chapter 11

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The next day I requested a visit to the beautiful piano, and Leon allowed it. He had previous affairs to deal with, so it would be my safe haven while he was away. He dropped me off, warning me still to be careful. The iron only protected me from Palmer, and Trevor was sure to catch on soon enough.

The doors were still large, and solid. They now comforted rather than towered. The church inside was much nicer now that I was here for a visit, instead of an insane asylum. The way I saw it changed. I no longer smelt death on me, or saw Palmer's bloody, greedy hands. I would never miss those memories, though no one offered to take them away.

I sat on the piano bench, and began playing. The notes were no longer frightened, lonely, or depressed. They were filled with hope for normalcy. That is what I desired- to live and to do it as normally as possible. Not that it is at all possible, seeing as how I live with strange and abnormal creatures who would want nothing less than to rip my heart from my chest. And, of course, the fact that I was never quite normal to start off with, and I had never desired to be as much as I did now. I was the free spirit. Instead of worrying about falling in love, I banished love and tried to find enjoyment by other means.

I wish I could go back in time, I imagined what it would be like- nothing. Boring. Uninteresting. My life before had gotten me nowhere near where I wanted to be. I never had a dream, some ulterior motive for the things I did. I was just going through the motions of being a teenager- and failing miserably, might I add. Maybe I am not cut out for this.

I continued beating keys, which sounded completely horrible to me. I lightened up a bit, and the song came back as a refreshing homely sound.

In between notes I heard a noise, and jumped. I jerked my head in the direction of the noise.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Didn't mean to scare you. I just heard that lovely music and had to come see the composer. I'm the pastor here. Pastor Paul Seymour. The call me Seymour here, but call me what you like."

I stood and made an attempt at casualty-really trying to hide the fact that I was trespassing. Also in embarrassment, since I have never played to a listening ear before. He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Don't let me interrupt."

"No, no. It's fine. I've played it too long, anyhow."

"That accent. You aren't from here, are you?"

"I just moved here, with the Kain's."

I expected an exorcism of sorts to take place after I said that. Something dramatic. Him shouting ", they are sent from the Devil!" Throwing holy water all over me. At least the holy water.

He nodded, and smiled.

"Very nice family. I'm surprised I haven't seen Leon, yet. He often visits when he returns. How has he been?"

I was flabbergasted. Not only did he not cast evil spirits from me, but he had befriended the sinister being. The demon of all demons. The king of the damned. And he wanted to know how he has been.

"Pastor Seymour?"

"Yes, dear?"

I had to ask. I needed to know what exactly Leon had discussed with him. Did he know the full story? He couldn't... could he?

"What does Leon talk to you about?"

He leaned back and covered his square coarse mustache pensively. His hair was parted to the left side, and curled into one swift white wave above bushy brows.

He looked like a kind, gentle elderly man. He wore a crisp black suit, buttoned over an outrageous tie. Hand now shaking violently, he lowered it into a pocket. The pew received him openly, and creaked under his weight, which he wasn't lacking.

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