Chapter 16

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The hardhearted clouds blacked out the sun, and the whole city saw the same dark scene as I did. Except not the same horrid, hopeless scene I saw. Harwin was now cataleptic on the alley floor. Palmer grinned in his human mask, and Trevor and Jermaine did the same as they looked to the reason for their newfound inhuman strength.

Not that they would need more. They could probably kill me with one finger, without injuring themselves. They'd come out spotless. Of their own blood. But they had none to shed.

I stood in a cautious stance, primed for an ambush. Prepared to catch fire at any moment. My right arm was my shield, and my weapon. I had nothing, not even two arms to throw up in surrender- not that I would. I wouldn't back down, and I suspected that they took pleasure in that. Not suspected- I knew it. They would do anything to torture me, and get pleasure.

No time to think. No time to cry, to regret. Nothing but dying. Just like they wanted all along.

No. I was ready for anything.

...except for nothing. They didn't do anything but stand and smile, amused by my terror.

Trevor was true to his word. He was letting me go to see what I would do, not what they would do. I would never succeed in escaping, but standing still was only buying me time. Time was what I needed, to come up with a decent plan.

I remained in my position, and stalled. I took in my surroundings. It reminded me of the morning with Trevor, and how everything disappeared beneath my fingers. None of it would have injured him anyway, and nothing here would either.

Trash cans.

A dumpster.

A fire escape.

The word 'escape' echoed longingly in my head. But I couldn't. They were quicker than me. I had been on track in seventh grade, and won a medal, but I wouldn't be able to dash two meters away without the cat dragging me back by the tail once again. By cat I mean the feline boy himself, treating me as a catnip mouse as he had since the first night here. Dragging me back, pouncing.

So I stood...

And stood...

And stood...

The lack of action lasted five minutes. They seemed too long and agonizing, like calm before the storm. Then, they were short and precious, and no longer within reach- and then they never existed.

"Well, isn't this boring." Trevor stepped towards me, not as happy. "Scream, Anna. Scream, and I'll make this quick."

It was tempting, but I wouldn't ever do it. I didn't believe him. How could I?

He took another step my way, and the gears began turning. The melody was speeding. I couldn't really breathe, and cold butterflies battered against my stomach. Cinderella lost her shoe many days ago, and the prince wouldn't make it before the evil step sisters did. My heart was beating noticeably against my chest, and then-

I got it.

My plan. My secret weapon.

It had been here all along.

I darted around Trevor, and arched my back to escape Jermaine's attempt at catching me. Trevor stopped to grin at my energy, he was excited, and Jermaine tumbled against him. They collapsed to the ground, nearly landing on Harwin's seemingly dead body. He was alive of course. Maybe.

I hadn't expected my luck to change in my favor. With them down I could succeed.

It wasn't a solid plan, but I built on as I went. I didn't slow as they fell. I didn't slow as I realized how stupid and dangerous this was. I had a chance, and I was taking it. I wouldn't falter.

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