Chapter 17

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"Dillon you're back. What about Leon?"

"He's with Seth. What happened? I saw Trevor down there. He looked horrid."

"Brianna did that."


"Yeah, I did something completely stupid, and I should be dead. And you'll probably try to kill me yourself if I tell you."

"Tell me now, or so help me God I'll-"

"Alright, now please understand that I want very much to really go die right now, but we both know that it's not possible, or I wouldn't be here now to tell you. And it would be wasting what she worked for."

"Go on."

"Well, for Jermaine, I... sort of led her into their trap..."

"You did what?!"

"Wait, wait. But then Palmer set me on fire, and I couldn't move-"

"Serves you right."

"Yes, it does. And then she, Brianna, she called out and told Trevor to stop. Then Palmer stopped, and Trevor threw her beside me. She told me that it was okay, it would've happened soon enough anyways. Then she told me not to worry, and told me she'd try hard to survive. That's when I passed out."

"Great, that helps a lot."

"Just listen. So then, from what Trevor says, she shouts some confident line, and grabs Palmer. Then, she used his fire against Trevor and Jermaine."

"Where's Palmer, Harwin?"

"That's the thing, he's gone. No one knows what happened then, because we were all out. Rosalyn knows but she's not talking. When Rosalyn showed up, Brianna had dragged me to the van before Trevor began to wail on her, again."

"Wait, Harwin?"


"Where's Brianna?"

(Door opens and closes)

"You don't want to see."

"The hell I don't."

"When did you become so aggravated?"

"When I learned I couldn't trust an idiot like you!"

"Boys, settle down. Harwin, you should go see Leon. Give Dillon a turn with her."

"Yeah, Rosalyn, there's sort of something about Leon I need to talk to you about."

"Well, come tell me in the next room. You can visit with Brianna, and see if- well, you'll see."

"Am I going to mangle him?"

"Most likely you'll want to, but there will be none of that."

"Yeah, see ya' Dillon. I'm sorry, and if she wakes up, tell her I'm very sorry and that she never has to forgive me, as long as she is okay."

"Does that apply to me?"

"Come Dillon. What did you need to say?"

(Door opens and closes)

"I think I am going to be sick."

"Now, now, Dillon. Calm down, she's- SIT BACK DOWN NOW, DILLON KAIN! Good, now talk. What is wrong with Leon?"

"Nothings physically wrong..."

"What's that mean?"

"He's eaten. Many more people than we planned for."

"Why would he- was he that hungry? How could he endanger us like this?"

"What if he didn't know us?"

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