Chapter 7

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Max's POV

Me and Mike got up to get ready for school. I had to wear the clothes I had worn yesterday because I didn't know we were gonna have a "sleepover". I'll just tell people I did laundry and wanted to re wear my outfit.

I got dressed in the bathroom and went back to Mike's room.

"Are your parents and Nancy home?" I asked
"No, they probably already left." He replied.
"Oh ok, cool." I said.
"Do you wanna make some breakfeast." Mike asked.
"Will we have time?" I asked.
"Yeah I forgot that we start school late today." He chuckled as he said that.
"Oh yeahhh." I said excitedly.
"Well let's go make some pancakes or something," Mike said as he walked out of the room to the steps, I followed him.

We went in the kitchen and started getting the supplies to make pancakes. I got the water and he got out the mix. We started mixing the batter and water together. Our hands would touch each others on the wisk that we were both using. When that happened both our faces would turn bright red and we wouldn't look at each other for a minute but then we got over it.

We finished mixing the batter. As Mike was making the pancakes I was getting the stuff to put on them ready. I was cutting some strawberries and then something weird happened.

I felt hands wrap around my waist. I knew they were Mike's. My face went crimson red. What was he doing? I was so confused. I looked to the side to see Mike's face only a few inches from mine.

"Mike?" I started, "what are you doing?"
"Hugging you," he replied with a smile. Ughh that smile. You just cant help but melt into it.
"Why are you hugging me?" I asked.
"Because your my friend." He replied.
"WHAT?!" I thought to my self. Did Michael Wheeler just say I was his friend?!
"I- I'm your friend." I asked nervously.
He let go of my waist and looked at me. Our eyes met and the chocolate brown eyes just drew me in.

Mike's POV

"Look Max," I said, "can we just start over?"
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Can we maybe be friends? You dont have to say yes." I replied.
"Why would you want to be friends with me, you hate me?" Max asked.
"Look I'm sorry about what happened when you first came. I was a complete dick and the truth us I was jealous." I said nervously.
"You Michael Wheeler were jealous of me? I dont believe it." She said.
"I was!! I swear." I said.
"Ok well then why were you jealous?" She asked.
"Because you just came and fit it like automatically." I said.
"Whyd that make you jealous then." She asked.
"Because we've always been such a close knit group and we've never let someone in that quick." I said I was being honest but I was nervous she wouldn't believe me.
"Oh I guess that makes sense." She said.
"Oh thank God." I thought to my self.
"So friends?" I asked as I put my hand out for her to shake.
"Friends." She stated and took my hand to shake. When she touched my hand I got this really weird feeling. My stomach filled with butterflies and I just started into her ice blue eyes.

Eventually she pulled her hand away and went back to cutting strawberries. "Do I like Max Mayfield?" I thought in my head. No that's impossible. I sighed and went back to making pancakes.

A/N so here we go love that. I have some major writers block rn but I hope you enjoyed!!❤❤

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