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I am pretty

I think I'm attractive to people

I'm small, I'm petite, I'm skinny

I have long legs, and graceful fingers

My insecurity lies underneath my luscious hair

Where my mind resides...

You are two faced, you are rotten inside

You are an illusion to others, a trap to hurt people.

No one can come close, then they'll see you

They will look into your eyes and gaze at your horrible insides





They will know you, and they will regret it

I bundle myself up.

I never show skin

Not because I fear their attention

But because I want to trap whatever warmth I have

And because i don't want to let my deceit escape

I trap my own habits

So that they won't break through

And hurt those I claim to love.

I am toxic

So i seal myself away

In my own isolation chamber

And await the day i am healthy

Only then

Will i allow

People in

I hope the day comes soon

Because I'm wasting away

And soon, 

there won't be any me left

to share with the world~

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