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I've been told I can never look intimidating

My face is open and inviting

I gaze upon scary girls- 

unbeknownst to them,

with envy.

This world wants women to be nice

used and discarded

Tough girls are told to "smile more" 

so that they may abuse your kindness

I feel the same disturbances as them

I feel angry

I want to be left alone

I don't want to be told that I look beautiful

or be called sweetheart

or darlin'

certainly not from the people who use these lines on me

I don't want to be the object of someone's thirst

 to be approached

The nut with a cracked smile is the one to be eaten first

The prettiest flowers are the first to be picked. 

I may not be the prettiest

but sometimes, I curse my friendliness

I mingle with everyone

I shouldn't complain

I like being nice

I just don't like always being nice

and I especially don't like being the only nice one. 

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