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It's late
My hair is up
Pulling at my head
Forcing my eyelids open
When all they want is to rest
(i cant)

It's painful
My hair is heavy and thick
My neck nags me to lie back
It just needs a break
(i cant)

I'm sitting in my kitchen
The light from my laptop the only thing- illuminating my notes
I need to focus
Just one more night, then I-

I have to get this done now, or I'll-

That's the lie I told myself the week before,

the other just yesterday...

-But that nagging fear
Tries to elbow their way into my forehead
So that I'll pay attention to what they're preaching

They're telling me it's not going to stop

You're an adult

It's not going to stop

Not now, not ever,

But I can't think about that right now...

So I sent them back to their seat
But they warn me the whole trip back-


I can't think about this, okay?

It's due at 11:59,

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