The Grief of Finishing

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As you close the end of the book

A really good book

I wish I could relive the excitement I had

of turning each page

of drinking every word

My eyes driving on down each sentence, propelled by some innate sense that I must consume this book for my own sanity.

Feeling the burn of your eyes as you refuse to sleep 

but being as alert and attentive

That high is unlike any other. 

Reading is considered an intellectual hobby. 

But no other intellectual high feels that way.

No one is itches to read their study notes. 

And the high of getting a good mark isn't quite the same feeling, however nice the high is.

There isn't anything like it.

That's because it fills us humans with wonder,

with hope.

There are endless possibilities to the stories in those pages. 

And each one unique as the next. 

They are much like meeting new people, hearing their stories

without the social anxiety or the boring mundane small talk. 

It appeals to every humans curiosity bone. 

and it leaves each avid reader

hungry for more.

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