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When I lie in bed

I often wonder,

Does anyone think of me how I think of them?

Have I ever been someone's last thought, and also their first thought of the day?

I want to know what their thought was

What I wouldn't do to just be


To file through their memories, relive them-

with them

Get pleasure off of their nostalgia

Know what they think

when they think of me

If it's something funny I did

Or stupid

Or cute

Or annoying (maybe not this one)

But one thing hinders me

 from wishing this with my whole heart

My mind

The nagging, churning idea elbows into the front cart in my train of thought

and warns me:

"An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you." - Leonardo di Caprio | Inception

The most vanilla of people have secrets

As tempting as the front door is

I shouldn't open it

I'm glad I'm not able to

I know things I regret knowing later

And their are some things I wouldn't want to know that I don't know. 

Ya know?

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