Marvel: Zia and Zane Abioye

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Real Name: Zia Aria (Okoro) Abioye
Alias/Code Name/Nickname: N/A
Age: 59
Gender: Female
Human/Inhuman: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment:Wakanda, Dora Milaje, Jabari Tribe, Golden Tribe, Avengers

Mother: Afia Okoro
Father: Cayman Okoro
Siblings: 2 Older Sisters and 1 Younger Brother
Spouse: Zane Abioye
Children: 12 sons and 1 daughter
Grandchildren: over 20+

Likes (+): Spicy foods, Cooking, and Playing with her grand-kids
Dislikes (-): Rude people, Sexism, Racism, All kinds of abuse, and anyone who hurts their family
Skills: Trained fighter and Cook

Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Well Trained in Combat
Weakness: Her family

What Does Your Character Look Like?: Has short black hair with a milk chocolate skin complexion, big brown eyes, and has 2 silver circles under each eye as if it were tribal paint.

Do They Wear Anything Unique To Them?: She has silver band tattoos on her arms.

What Weapons Does Your Character Have?: Prized spear from her trainer of the Jabari tribe, pitch black with glowing blue outlined kimoyo beads (From Zane), and her treasured shield that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Background Information/Short Bio
She was born into a small family in the Jabari Tribe. She comes from a long line of Dora Milaje warriors. She was trained to be one as well and was actually the top of her class. Her work was recognized so much that she was appointed as the bodyguard of Zane soon to be husband. Soon they got very close to each other and had fallen in love. After they married, they were pregnant with their first child. She looks very young despite her age and that she has so many kids. She is the one who trained all her kids to be able to fight for themselves and protect each other. When she finally had a daughter, Zinna, she decided to tone down on her training and try to be more girly for her first and only daughter. Zinna inherited her big eyes, smile, and body type plus she is the only one who has actually beaten her mother in training.

Other Information
+ She and Zane have been married for a long time
+ Loves all her kids very much
+ Had prayed for so long to have at least one daughter
+ Her daughter is the only one who has beaten her in training


Real Name: Zane Aziz Abioye
Alias/Code Name/Nickname: N/A
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Human/Inhuman: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment:Wakanda, Dora Milaje, Jabari Tribe, Golden Tribe, Avengers

Mother: Zula Abioye
Father: Kay Abioye
Siblings: 2 Older Brothers and 1 Younger Sister
Spouse: Zia Okoro
Children: 12 sons and 1 daughter
Grandchildren: over 20+

Likes (+): Spicy foods,Cooking, and Playing with his grand-kids
Dislikes (-): Rude people, People who say science is dumb, and Anyone who hurts his family
Skills: Cook, Chemist, Baker, and Mixologist

Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Advanced Technology, Advanced Chemistry, and Robotics
Weakness: His family

What Does Your Character Look Like?: Has no hair with a semi-dark chocolate skin complexion, medium-sized brown eyes, and a curly short black beard

Do They Wear Anything Unique To Them?: She has silver band tattoos on her arms.

What Weapons Does Your Character Have?: Pitch black with glowing green outlined kimoyo beads (Made himself)

Background Information/Short Bio
He was born into a family that was in the Golden Tribe. He is the 4th of 5 children in his family and he preferred to work in science rather than fighting. He was given the opportunity to work with the top scientists of the royal family. He gained much knowledge of the heart shaped herb, which he would teach his children a lot about. He had designed the kimoyo beads for his family and is the only one to know how to make vibranium. Zinna inherited her father's gift of science, curiosity, and big brain.

Other Information
+ Had taught Zinna how to dance ballet
+ Can handle any spicy foods
+ Cannot have too much sugar or he will get a serious headache

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