My Hero Academia! Pro-Hero: Hanako Satou and Kazuo Satou

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Name: Hanako Satou

Alias/Hero Name: The Earth Hero: Gaia

Meaning: Flower girl

Kanji: 華子

Nickname(s): N/A


Age: 32 (when she died)

Gender: Female

Birthday: February 20th

Height: 166 cm (5'5")

Weight: 100 kg (120 lbs)

Hair Color: Pitch black

Eye Color: Light brown

Blood Type: O


Kazuo Satou (Husband)
Zaou Satou (Son)
Mikki Satou (Daughter)
Jackson Satou (Grandson)
Michaela Washimi (Daughter-in Law)

Carter Mason (2nd daughter)
Elena Mason (3rd daughter)
Eric Mason (2nd son)
All Might (friend)
Midnight (best friend)


Status: Deceased

Birthplace: Near Shizuoka Prefecture

Occupation: Pro Hero

Affiliation: U.A. High School Graduate

Wild, Wild Pussycats

Quirk: Geokinesis⛰
Recovery Touch

Fighting Style: Long Range Combat



Unique Features: N/A

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Unique Features: N/A

Likes (+): Family, sweets, music (all kinds), and gardening

Dislikes (-): Endeavor, racism, idiots, people who use their quirks for evil

Background: Coming from a long line of pro heroes, Hanako was destined to be a great hero. She got her quirk from a very early age but strives to control it. She had gotten into U.A. on recommendation, but made sure to not slack on her work. She met Kazuo when they were paired for training. She was won over by her kindness. They started dating while they were still in school but made sure to cheer each other on when they needed it. They became quite the duo when they became pro heroes. They married after finding out they were having their first baby. They also know about All Might's secret and did not tell anyone. Once they had Zaou, they helped their son develop his quirk with lots of love and patience. After they had Mikki, Hanako had become very ill, which worried everyone, but she told them she would be okay. It wasn't until the day she didn't wake up, and everyone was greatly upset. She left her own visor for Mikki to help her. She left special videos for her children as a way to show she would always be there for them.


Name: Kazuo Satou

Alias/Hero Name: The Air God Hero: Anemoi

Meaning: Harmony, peace

Kanji: 和男 夫

Nickname(s): Zeus (given by Hanako)


Age: 44 (current age)

Gender: Male

Birthday: March 18th

Height: 196 cm (6'5")

Weight: 118 kg ( 260 lbs)

Hair Color: Pitch black

Eye Color: Light brown

Blood Type: AB


Hanako Satou (Wife; Deceased)
Zaou Satou (Son)
Mikki Satou (Daughter)
Jackson Satou (Grandson)
Michaela Washimi (Daughter-in Law)

Carter Mason (2nd daughter)
Elena Mason (3rd daughter)
Eric Mason (2nd son)
All Might (friend)
Best Jeanist (friend)


Status: Alive

Birthplace: Tokyo

Occupation: Pro Hero

Affiliation: U.A. High School Graduate

Quirk: Air crush 🌬

FightingStyle: Long Range Combat



Unique Features: N/A

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Unique Features: N/A

Likes (+): Family, U.A., spicy foods, and music

Dislikes (-): Endeavor, anyone who insults his wife or children

Background: Coming from a rather small family, Kazou was the youngest out of 3, but didn't discover his quirk until he was 8 years old. He and Enji were best friends growing up, and they never let each other down. They got into U.A. after passing their exams, but soon their friendship became strained when Enji got angry at becoming the #2 hero. He didn't like the way Enji treated his wife either and often tried to help her and her kids. It wasn't until Mikki was born that Enji proposed a quirk marriage for her and his youngest son, Shoto. Outraged, he told him never to contact him or his family again. After Hanako died, he fell into depression. His beautiful wife is gone because of a serious illness. Even though she wad gone, she made him promise to keep their children safe, and he made good on that promise. He is very protective of Mikki since she looks exactly like her mom.

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