13 - A Hiccup or The Possible End?

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Saturday 25th April

Afia was chilling in her room, her best friend Lyla was busy working at the hospital but told her that they would talk during her lunch break.

It was 1.25pm, a little late for brunch but Afia was eating a cheese and tomato toastie while sitting by her window to have an overview of all the gardens behind her house. The sun was shining, giving a nice glow. She would definitely go sit outside in the garden after they spoke.

By the time she finished her meal, her phone rang. She picked up excitedly, hearing Lyla's voice. "Hey! How's work going?"

Lyla started ranting about the shitty NHS situation and how she had to keep her phone in a glove at work to protect it from getting germs. They weren't equipped well which meant they had to improvise. She asked how the online romance was going. Afia paused unsure what to say, how truthful to be but Lyla was her best friend, she knew she wouldn't judge.

"Okay" Afia started, "I'm going to be straight up. I fancy him, like I actually want to see where it goes and meet in person when we can."

Lyla was quick to speak, "you sure you like him? I know you guys talk all the time because I always see you online but guys just say a lot of stuff, be careful yeah. Has the conversation become haram yet or you behaving, ay?"

The two second pause was more than enough to signal what the answer was, "Oh my god, you guys are talking haram!" Lyla exclaimed.

Afia rushed to explain, "Oh no it was me who started it, not him. You know how I think deep down, I was curious about his size and it escalated from there."

"Shut up," Lyla said, half speechless, "You asked him for a picture? Did you send any?"

"Um he actually said no to sending pictures at first because he couldn't trust someone he met online, he's decent" Afia admitted.

"But he still sent it, didn't he?" Lyla questioned.

"Well yeah but so did i, it's me starting the haramness most of the time. I know it's not good but you know I don't really tell you the saucy side of stuff because you won't approve."

Lyla sounded a little disappointed at the reply, "I'm not calling you a hoe, you just have to be careful. You don't know him in reality, he has pictures of you, he might be promising stuff now but you'll be hurt if it doesn't happen. Listen, I'm not angry or anything, but I need to go prep the next patient. We can talk on text, just think about what I said. Bye!"

After that phone call, all Afia did was think. She hated overthinking but she had been so positive and happy lately, not just because of Noah but she was in a good spirit generally. She should have kept it to herself rather than bringing up the conversation to Noah.

He had finally woke up around an hour later after the chat with Lyla and they were talking on and off. Noah had to go Asda for grocery shopping and got stuck in a 45 minute queue plus he had to cook dinner. So they spoke properly in the evening after the casual talks about 90 day fiance and what movie they should watch together tomorrow as an online date.

She mentioned how she was a little confused and he asked her to explain.

Afia: I over thought a little earlier because I had a chat with Lyla and she knows I'm talking to you. I know she didn't mean to be negative but was cautious about the situation which made me overthink but fuck that I want to try and see if this works

Noah: Ah what did she say? I mean it's none of my business but if you wanted to talk about it, feel free

Afia: She didn't say anything bad, she's just trying to look out for me, bless her. She knew from the start that we were talking and I admitted that I like you. She also found out about the sexting, she's not about that life so all she said was don't get too carried away and trust easily

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