19 - High hopes

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Sunday 3rd May

Afia had been thinking of the chat for the past two days, her moods were up in the sky finally swooning in happiness after not having felt such emotions in a long time. It was nice for someone to care about her, desire her both physically and emotionally and want to have a future with her.

Ever since Noah had said he was falling for her, the word love kept bouncing around her head. She didn't know if that's what she felt but she felt a strong desire building inside her to tell him every time she fantasised about them having dates or imagining heated sexual encounters.

It was confusing, it had only been five weeks. 'Could you love someone in five weeks?' she thought.

She wanted to tell him how she thought but she didn't want to say it over the phone. If she did confess and say she loved him if it was true, it would feel like a full on fledged catfish episode where people have been in online relationships for months or years before actually meeting one another. It would be better to meet and see where it went, hopefully it would be perfect. She was 99.9% sure it would be because they both definitely weren't catfishes and she would be comfortable enough around him to openly show her feelings and be affectionate.

To be honest, she had started planning a potential date. They both had mentioned Stratford a couple of days ago as a meeting spot. It was only a 20-25 minute walk away to Westfield shopping mall from Afia's house so she wouldn't have to take public transport. She had to go boots to get some toiletries, T4 a bubble tea shop was open for collections so that was something they could get ticked off their list. There was also a Chinese supermarket in the old mall next door where they could pick up ingredients to try out new recipes. The olympic park was there too, so they could chill there after. She could get all her shopping done then meet him unless he wanted to join her and spend more time together.

Afia was a little wary of bringing up the topic in case he shut her down because she had gotten her hopes high but she decided to take the risk about asking him.

Afia: Do you still wana fuck the system and meet up? I have a date idea but you can say no

She held her phone in her hands staring at the screen and he came online replying instantly.

Noah: What's the idea?

Afia: You'll like it or hate it

Afia: So I'm gona finally get out of the house cuz I've been in here too long but I need to do stuff if you want to join, it's a domesticated type of date

Noah: Haha so we are talking like grocery shopping?

Afia: Kind of, we can chill but I need to grab a few stuff. There'll be queues which wi'll take time but Westfield is actually open and there's a bubble tea shop that's open for collection if you want to try that, It's one thing off the list. Is it a hit or miss idea? Obviously it's not perfect, it's okay if you don't want to

Noah: So I love the idea, I would really love to do that

Afia felt excited, a smile lit her face and she quickly started typing. There was a little negative feeling in the back of her head telling her a 'but' was coming but she pushed it away.

Afia: Wait shut up, for real?

Noah: But I was talking to my parents today and I kind of hinted at the fact of meeting up with you and they said if I go then I'm not coming back inside the house, so I don't really think I can

'There it is' her mind told her. 'So much for getting my hopes high'.

At that point she wanted to leave the chat just so she could just wallow in her thoughts and accept the concept of meeting in god knows how many weeks when this lockdown would come to an end. She had a few questions and decided to ask instead of disappearing and making him think he did something wrong when he did try. She was flattered that he asked.

Her thoughts wondered. 'Did he tell his parents about me? That he's going on a date?'

Afia: Ah what'd you say? Did you say you're meeting a friend or a stranger?

Noah: I said I was gonna go out into London and that I'd be safe and take all the necessary precautions but they basically told me they don't care. I kinda found it hard to argue back with what happened to my grandad. So I can see where they're coming from by wanting to keep themselves safe

Afia: They're right, I wouldn't say I'm going to meet anyone cuz I know my family would react the same plus I don't actually want to put you at a disadvantage to meet me. So it's okay we can meet once this all over instead. Also that's a lie, you going to social distance if we met ay?

Noah: Lol I mean exactly, I'd be trying to convince them I'll be taking all the precautions while literally lying to their face

Afia: You tried so the effort counts, we'll just wait. Just wondering if you would tell me what your parents said or wait until I brought up the idea of meeting?

Noah: I didn't directly ask them, I just mentioned it in conversation so I forgot about it. I probably would have just asked again if you were to bring it up

Afia: Remember to tell me next time if a similar occasion occurs, I got too excited haha. I think I'm gona have a quiet night so I'll go for now, if you want to have a chat then I'm here

Noah: Ahh I'm sorry, I will try convincing them it's fine, I think maybe give it a week when things start to get back to normal and they'll be more chill. Okay gorgeous, I hope everything's alright? I'm probably gonna fall asleep pretty soon so I'll say goodnight now, hope you sleep well xx

Afia: I'm just feeling a bit down but I'll survive, get some rest though and I'll reply tomorrow, goodnight too xx

She was a little sad wanting some comfort but she didn't want to ask him. He claimed he cared for her so he should've known how she felt. She snuggled into her bed putting her phone on charge on the tableside and grabbed her ipad to open Netflix and start a new drama which seemed dark in nature; perfect for her mood. She needed something to express her emotions outwards and let the tears flow if they were willing. 

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