Through The Firestorm

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Ruby(Resurrection AU) POV
Distance from The a God King: 1,000 miles

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Y/N, get Velvet and her child somewhere safe, I don't care how far, but make sure nothing happens to them. No matter what!

Y/N The Archangel(Killers Remorse AU): Good luck Ruby, I pray heavens light will protect you!

Velvet(I Awaken AU): You got this Ruby, all of you! Give them hell!

Jesse(I Awaken AU): Good luck Ruby!

The angel hoisted Velvet and Jesse on his back and flew off. They will be safe. They will survive. I turn to my team, they nod and ready their weapons for what could be our last stand.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): FOR BEACON!

Weiss(Resurrection AU): FOR REMNANT!

Blake(Resurrection AU): FOR OUR FRIENDS!

Yang(Resurrection AU): FOR THE MULTIVERSE!

We charge towards the horde of monsters that stand before us. Ilia, resistance team, everyone... I fight for you!

No ones POV
Distance from The God King: 1,000 miles

Ruby and her team fought for hours, maybe even days, wave after wave more monsters crept out of every corner of Remnant in hopes of being the one to slay the heretics. However a hero's determination can withstand the test of time, and will for the ones they hold most dear. The God King, growing in rage commanded more and more monsters to kill Ruby and what remained of her team, but to no avail. After the long dreaded battle, the last monster went down. As Ruby and her team celebrated making it through the firestorm, The God King let out a roar that could be heard from the farthest corners of Remnant in anger. They had concurred his wrath, and he was going to make sure that this time, they wouldn't be given a second chance, he would not make the same mistake he made four years ago.

Ruby(Resurrection AU) POV
Distance from The a God King: 989 miles

I covered my ears as a deafening roar boomed throughout the land. It must be him, The God King. A Seer Grimm floated down in front of us. The misty head cleared and revealed The God King sitting on his throne.

The God King(Y/N Resurrection AU): Don't take this victory to heart... you will die one way or another, and the cleansing of the multiverse will be completed.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): You're wrong Y/N... you're so wrong. We WILL stop you, and we'll save the multiverse!

He chuckled a little then sighed heavily. His demeanor changed a little. The slightest sign of sadness showed in his face. I don't know why, but seeing him sad, it hurt. It shouldn't... I don't even know why I called him Y/N, that's not him... not anymore.

The God King(Y/N Resurrection AU): Y/N... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. And it's a name that should no longer be used or remembered Rose. He is gone, only I The God King remains.

He grabbed the Seer on his end by the crystalline head piece, cracks forming on the orb.

The God King(Y/N Resurrection AU): Until we meet again, Ruby...

The Seer in front of us imploded, collapsing in on itself. Looking ahead of us on the horizon I can see The God Kings Citadel. The path we will have to walk will be a long one, but most of his army that resides in this Remnant were slain here in the battle. Distance will be our enemy. We will need to cover as much distance as possible in the next few days. I'm sure more of his army is on the way from the other dimensions.

Cloaked figure(???): If we start on the path to The Damned Kingdom we will make it there in a couple of days. We can not stop moving unless absolutely necessary, more of The God Kings army is on their way.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): I know, but we should rest... we've been fighting for so long.

Weiss(Resurrection AU): I agree with Ruby, it's getting hard to just stand for a couple minutes.

Yang(Resurrection AU): We...we n-need to keep mo-m-moving.

Blake(Resurrection AU): Yang were in no condition to go anywhere. Ruby is right we need to rest.

Cloaked figure(???): If we must rest, then we must make it quick...

I watched as the hooded figure conjured a stack of wood in a campfire-like configuration in front of us. Emerald green flames ignited from the wood, quickly rising to a beautiful flame. The fire gave off a feeling of relaxation and healing. I sat down without consciousness of doing so. As if the fire was forcing me to sit down in front of it and bask in its comforting heat. The others including the hooded figure did so shortly after I did, except he seemed to be sitting by his own choice, not unconsciously as me and my team did.

Yang(Resurrection AU): What is this? I feel... I feel really good.

Cloaked figure(???): This is spectral fire, a common remedy in my world. This fire is often used as a way to quickly heal and refresh tired and wounded soldiers in combat. Where as resting and bandaging would take hours to days, this process will only take an hour tops. You will feel like you've been sleeping for days by the end of this, though you will have only rested for a short while.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Thank you...

He chuckled and stood by up.

Cloaked figure(???): Get some sleep Ruby, We have a long trail to walk ahead of us.

I could feel myself lay down, my eyes shutting surrounding me in a peaceful darkness...

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