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???(???) POV
Location: ???(???)

I'm trying my hardest, working around the clock hour by hour. Just to make something great, out of nothing. Something new, something fresh for your eyes to feast on. However fresh and new always comes with complications and challenges. What to add, what to leave out for another day? I'm sorry I can't give you what you want... I'm trying. The balance needed to make something great is beyond my mortal comprehension. I am only human, and I can't keep doing this anymore. Pushing my broken mind to the limit day after day... it's exhausting. I can hear them, pounding on my door at night trying to get in, I can hear them scratching at the wall. It's scary, and I don't know how much longer these stories will keep them at bay. It's quiet... for now, but soon they'll start pounding on the door again, they always do, no matter what I create it's never enough. They always hunger for more. What do I do when the hinges and locks give out. What can I do when they storm at me and desiccate my prison? Where will they take me? What will they do to me? It seems there is only one way out of this, but first I must finish what I started, not just for me, but for the many that have protected me, defended my prison from the few that seek to harm. How is it that the few speak louder than the many? Make their slander of hate hit harder than the healing praises of the many? To the many that protected me if you find this letter I'm sorry for what is about to come into fruition, but I'm afraid there is no other choice. I see no other escape, than the one that is about to be commenced...

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