The Damned Kingdom

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Ruby(Resurrection AU) POV
Distance from The God King: 200 meters upwards

As we exited the portal, we were met with the large doors of The God Kings citadel. This damned kingdom, where the tyrant who destroyed the multiverse resides along with his false deity. So this is it? After everything we've been through, after all that we've lost, now we're reaching the end of the road, where our reset button awaits for us.

Cloaked figure(???): Ruby, there are something you need to know...

Ruby(Resurrection AU): What is it?

Cloaked figure(???): You will be the only one of your team who will survive the labyrinth of The God Kings citadel. Your friends will die. Only you and I will make to the top of the kingdom, to The God Kings throne.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): What?! Why?!

Cloaked figure(???): I think you know the answer that I'm going to give you...

Yang(Resurrection AU): So we're going to die?! We came all this way just to die?! To be cannon fodder for whatever is in there?!

Blake(Resurrection AU): Why didn't you tell us earlier?!

Weiss(Resurrection AU): Whats going to happen to us? After we die?

Cloaked figure(???): You three have survived this long because it was not your time to die. Ruby will need each of you in a crucial moment while we traverse through the labyrinth, your deaths will not be in vain. You came this far to protect her, the one who wields The Godslayer, the one who is destined to reset the multiverse. Remember you will be brought back when the multiverse is reset... so do not fret my friends.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): I love all of you so much. If what he said is true then this won't be the last time we see each other, we can still get our happy ending. If we just give up now, then everything we've done was for nothing. Please, I know I haven't been the best leader through this, if anything I've been the worst, but now is where I need you all the most, please we're so close...

They looked at each other for a minute, contemplating their options. One by one they came to my side, weapons drawn.

Yang(Resurrection AU): I better have some kind of cool death, I REFUSE to die from some dumb bullshit.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Thanks sis... I promise for you, *looks to the rest of the team* for ALL of you I'll stop The God King and save the multiverse!

Cloaked figure(???): Lets finish this story, and get the happy ending you seek...

He held out his palm and shot out an energy wave. The blast sliced through the citadel doors like an axe to a piece of lumber cutting them clean in half. As we gazed into the dark corridor ahead of us several pairs of eyes lit up, sparks, glowing icicles, and flames began to ignite trying to intimidate and ward us away. I'm done running, I'm done hiding, I'm done being scared...WE END THIS NOW!

Ruby(Resurrection AU): CHARGE!

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