The Failed Expieriment

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Ruby(Resurrection AU) POV
Distance from The God King: 793 miles

We have been traveling through a dense forest for the last few hours now, funny we haven't run into anyone, or anything for that matter. It's like the world around us is dead, at least it smells like it. God the stench, what is that?

Weiss(Resurrection AU): God... is this smell bothering anyone else?

Yang(Resurrection AU): Yeah, what is that? Ugh, *retches* smells like rotten meat.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): *Turns to the hooded figure* What is the smell?

Cloaked figure(???): The empty rotted corpses of the Grimmified humans.

We all looked at him in shock.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Wh-how...

Cloaked figure(???): Arthur Watts was a genius to most humans and faunas alike. However what both The God King and Salem asked of him to create and concoct was not just impossible but far beyond his mortal knowledge. The Grimmification process was never perfected. The only way a human or faunas could survive the process is by being a spawn of The God King or Salem and possessed the DNA allowing their blood, and other bodily systems to coexist with a Grimm's DNA. Otherwise the Grimm DNA would slowly but maliciously consume the physical organs, and blood of the infected host like a cancer.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Why weren't some of the people infected by the Grimmification process? Like Ilia or the other resistance fighters?

Cloaked figure(???): Destiny...

Ruby(Resurrection AU): You're joking right?

He chuckled, then began to walk onward as if everything he just said wasn't important.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): So I guess not... *sigh* what the hell is happening?

Yang(Resurrection AU): Lets just keep moving Ruby, the sooner we slay "The God King", the sooner we fix everything and reset the multiverse.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Are you sure we have to kill him?

The hooded figure stopped and turned back to me.

Blake(Resurrection AU): You can't be serious Ruby, after all he's done to us, to everyone?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): I know what he's done is terrible, but he's still Y/N.

Weiss(Resurrection AU): Was Y/N. Whatever that thing is now isn't our old friend Ruby.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Throughout all of this we've said "defeat him" we never mentioned killing him.

Yang(Resurrection AU): It doesn't matter, even if we kill him, he should reset with the rest of the multiverse right?

She looked over to the hooded figure.

Yang(Resurrection AU): Right?

Cloaked figure(???): ...No, no he won't...

I looked at him in shock. Why?! Why doesn't he get redemption?!

Cloaked figure(???): I'm sure this may come as a shock to you Ruby, I was hoping that you wouldn't have to find out, at least until everything was reset.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Why? Why doesn't he get to be saved like everyone else? Why is he the only one?

Cloaked figure(???): He is not the only one... there will be others who won't be saved.

Weiss(Resurrection AU): What other people aren't going to be saved?

Cloaked figure(???): The warlords and deities, they too will find no salvation when the multiverse is reset. They are alternate variants of Y/N, and you four. They were corrupted and morphed by The God King. In order to ensure the multiverse is never put into danger at this level again, I will take them to The Skycage Prison where they will spend an eternity trapped behind bars, repaying their crimes of disobeying fate.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): What about-

Cloaked figure(???): Y/N is gone, his mind was lost when he watched Velvet die in his arms.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Is this why he's coming after us? All because she's gone?

Cloaked figure(???): You give a broken man a remedy for his shattered heart, the only thing keeping him sane and happy, distracted from the sins he's committed. What happens when you take that one thing away from him? The regret and remorse start flooding back in, and the insanity takes over.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): *Unsheathes The Godslayer* Then lets end this.

Yang(Resurrection AU): Wait, you're just going to completely go back on trying to save him?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Whats the point? If he truly is gone, then what good will it do to try and save him? He's gone, only that monster The God King remains. And I've run out of mercy...*grip tightens*
Are you going to join me in saving the multiverse, or are you going to go stay behind and give up?

The three of them grew hesitant. I'm done waiting around, these conflicting emotions, the people we've lost, the stench, THE GODAMN STENCH!

Yang(Resurrection AU): For Beacon...*cocks Ember Cielia*

Weiss(Resurrection AU): For Remnant...*unsheathes Myrtenaster*

Blake(Resurrection AU): For the multiverse...*Reconfigures Gambol Shroud*

Cloaked figure(???): We must hurry. The God Kings army is approaching this world faster than I anticipated. We'll need to pick up the pace.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Got some kind of spell that can get us there?

Cloaked figure(???): No, but I do have this...

He held out his hand and shot an arrow of light from his palm. The ground in front of us began to vibrate violently until a portal erupted from the arrows tail.


Cloaked figure(???): I only had one with me. They are of extreme rarity in my world. I didn't use it earlier because it can only be used to transport to another location in the dimension it is used in. If I deployed it in a previous world, it would've gone to waste, if I used it earlier in this world we would've been cornered and overwhelmed by The God King, his personal deity and his army. Now with his soldiers here defeated, only his deity and he remain. The portal will take us to his citadels doors. Are you ready Ruby?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Didn't even have to ask...

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