ch. 3 the wolf attack

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[The pic above is how tori looks as a wolf]
( tori prov)

I was walking to see vanollpe and I felt the weird felling again, I turned into a wolf again and I was running I didn't want to do any of this but I was still running I tried to stop but I couldn't then I got felling in my feet so I stop but I didn't felling anywhere else Then, as I got to the finish line I got all my felling back so I had to find out why I didn't have control of me before.

So vanollpe finished her race and the arcade is still closed after the snow storm and all were lucky enough to not get a power out.
"Hey kid what are you doing"
" I finished another race and won why? " vanollpe said in a puzzled look on her face.
" What's wrong vanollpe? "
" nothing it's that your necklace is glowing red and your eyes are red too" she said
"oh.....really its glowing?" Then she looked at me shocked then she said" now it's blue again and your eyes are back to normal too" I grab my necklace.
"really?" I said I a sacred voice
"Yeah I don't know why though" vanollpe said.
" so (slowly letting go of my necklace) what now"
"I don't know but do you want to make your own cart for when ever you want to drive to and you can keep here to race with each other and you can take it out and ride it around the aracde." She said happily.
I said" what are we doing here doing nothing when we can make the cart"
"ok let's go then this way (she ran to her cart and she said) come on get on don't worry ralph sat on it and its perfectly safe don't worry" I are to her cart and jumped in she drove really fast and I almost flow off.
" are we almost there?!?"
" Yeah its right there tori(she pointed to the cart making place) see" then she stopped and said" bread papa wake up we need to make a cart" then bread papa was moving around in a scared motion
" what what where am i?" Said bread papa then looking down at me and vanollpe" oh hey miss president vanollpe von shweets What did you say about a new cart your cart lookes amazing from when you first made why do you need a new one" then vanollpe said" it's not for me it's for my best friend tori" then bread papa looked at me and said "ok but make sure you don't destory it this time"
"Ok Ok bread papa I get it I'm still sorry" she said in a sorry voice. So bread papa put up the bar and vanollpe drove in and we got in to and I had to pick out the type of cart I wanted
" what cart has your eye tori?" She said Then I said with a lot of thought in it
" well I don't know witch one I like( then I saw this cart that looked amazing and it had a seat well a look alike of vanollpes) Oh wait I think that is calling me vanollpe" then she said " Then go push the button!". So I ran to the cart I liked and I pressed the button and the cretins want up.
"Hurry before the time startes with out you" she said with out adout
"ok ok I'm going" said with a big smile on my face and I was laughing. I had to separate the trash from the ingredients and I said " this will take to long ( I jumped on the platform and started throwing the ingredients in the blue bow and throwing the trash away in the trash can) this is easyer then I thought what's next! "
"next is mixing then baking it" she said looking happily at me when I was having to much fun doing this.
"Cool!" We ran to the next station and she said "having fun tori?"
Then I said "of course I am vanollpe this is the best ever!". So after I finished cooking it and putting the iceing on it I signed my name on it and vanollpe singed it to
" Hey maybe I should have every one I know sign it is that ok vanollpe?"
Then she said "Yeah ( she turned around and gave me a bag of iceing) here you can have this"
"thanks vanollpe" then I walked to her and hugged her and said "thank you"
" your welcome tori" and vanollpe pushed my cart because I didn't know how to drive it. Then we got to her castle and she told me how to start it and how to drive it and I drove it right away and it was super easy.
"Well I have to go my mom and dad must be worried about me and I had a lot of fun today"
"your welcome tori" so I driven my new cart to the cart to get out of the game and I got to my game and mom and dad were worried about me.
Then dad said " it's time to go to bed ok tori"
" but dad I'm not tried I don't want to"
" Ok fine but don't leave the game unless you want to go to your game ok"
" ok dad".

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