ch. 4 break free

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(Ralph prov)

I was thinking about tori so much I didn't know we're she was. I hope she fine or not hurt. So I went to look for her and I ask Q-Bert to see if he seen her go or not. As I get to Q-berts house I noticed that there was a feather by the carts and it was white with a little gold on it and I thought of tori and I got in the cart and went to get out and there was a trial of feathers and it led to sugar rush and I thought what if she glows red again she might get hurt or she might get killed and I yelled out" TORI !.....TORI!....TORI WHERE ARE YOU!"

Then I was running to vanollpes castle and when I got there had to ask her right away"KID RUSH WHERES TORI I DONT WANT HER TO GET HURT!"

"I don't know ralph why?"


"Oh I found a wolf yesterday and it was executed today because it was attacking the other racers" then I started to tear up and I thought vanollpe didn't know that the wolf she killed was tori her best friend.

then I said in the sadist voice I had at that time" vanollpe that wolf that you killed was tori" then she started to cry .

"but why did she do it ralph"

"she can't control her self she doesn't want to hurt any one" .

then vanollpe came up to me said" I didn't know ralph I thought she was just a random wolf her fur was different from what I know"

"I know she changed completely"

then vanollpe said" bye ralph I'll see you later" and she closed her door.

Then I want to go for a walk and I notcie a house and I see there's no door and I look inside and I see TORI. She was alive and I was so relieved to see she was alive.

Then I said" tori I've been looking all over for you I thought you died." Then she looked at me and transformed into a wolf and growled at me and said

" ralph go away" then I looked at her shocked and said

" no I'll help you" then she looked down and saw my bandage and she started to cry and she turned back to normal and she said while crying" I'm sorry ralph I can't help it" then I want in to hug her.

she turn into a wolf and she said" go away RALPH!" And I said" no I need to help you tori"

"ralph go away I don't want to hurt you again" then she started crying and then I said " no" she slowly walked out of her house as a wolf and said

"GO NOW AND NEVER CAME BACK!!" then I looked at her necklace and noticed that it wasn't glowing red and she must have been take over by her body.

"tori I think I know what's making you like this I can help you"

"no no you don't know what's wrong with me now LEAVE!" She jumped and surrounded me and she almost bitten me" LEAVE NOW!" Then I noticed she had tears in her eyes and she said in a very quiet voice and I new it was saying it to

" help me ralph" and she said this even quieter" run" then I started running and she tried to hold back.

I was running until I gotten to the carts and I got in and went to my game and she was still chasing me and I ran to felix and Calhoun and they said

"where's the fire ralph" Said felix and then Calhoun said

"why do you have a bandage solder and what made you have it?"

"It's tori she did this to me" then felix and Calhoun look at each other and she said

" tori would never do anything like that ralph your lieing"

"Calhoun I'm not lieing tori did do this be something or some one is taking over her body and I need to help her" then Calhoun said

" how would you know that something or some one is taking over her?!" Then I said looking back to see if tori is there

" her necklace I given her has started glowing red and every time( I turned back around) and she's trying to fight it and I know I just know that she wants it to stop and she wants help" then calhoun started to tear up and she whipped the tears away and she said

" let's go save her then" then tori popped out of nowhere and bitten felix and she was crying and then her necklace stopped glowing and she stepped back and her fur changed back to normal and she said

" dad I'm sorry I can't help it I want to be normal I need(then her necklace glowed red again)"

"FELIX CALHOUN RUN!" I yelled and tori said

" ralph run" and we went running and tori chased me and felix and Calhoun. And I climbed cause thought that she can't climb but I was wrong. Then she stopped and she fell and I fell to catch her and she woke up and I know it was her cause she said

"ralph thank you" and she was under me so us turned around so I will land on my back and I'll regenerate but she can't cause she was only born in hero's duty.

"Your welcome tori " and she kissed me on the forehead and I closed my eyes cause I new that we where close to the ground and she held on tighter and we hit the ground.

(Tori prov)

When we hit the ground I felt faint and I slowly opened my eyes and I saw ralphs eyes were still closed and I didn't know the rules about if you die in your game that you'll regenerate. I thought ralph died and I started crying and I said

" wake up ralph you'll be ok" then ralph gotten up and he said

" I'm ok I was made in this game you don't have to cry for me" then I hugged him tighter and I asked

" how did you live your hurt" then he said

" I was made in this game"

"Oh so if I die I'm this game will I be ok?"

"No you won't regenerate only the game you were born in"

"Oh (and I got off him and he looked at my hand and held it) thank you " and his cheeks were red.

(Ralph prov)

When I was holding her hand her cheeks want red and I was in so much pain from when she attacked me. But I said when I had time

"tori come here" she leaned in and torn off her necklace and she said


"I toke it away because that's what was making you like that" then it started to glow and I destroyed it before it taken over any one. And then I got up and I started to stumble and tori helped me and she put my arm over her should and we started to walk and I made it to my house and she helped me get in bed and I asked her before she left

" tori can you um lie down with me I'm not feeling to well" then she looked down and said

" OK ralph I'll sleep with you only because you sleeped with me all those times" then tori lies down next to me and she hugs me and said

" ralph I'm so sorry for what I've done I wish I never was born" then I look down and say

" tori your the best thing that's ever happend to this game and to me and so is vanollpe" then I put my arm around her and hold her as tight as I can with out yelling out in pain and I started to tear up. Then tori looked at me and she new that I was hurting and she got up and went to the kitchen and brought me a bowl of soup.

Then I sat up and she hand me the bowl and sat down under the covers with me and was hugging me while I ate and I said

" mmm this is good I feel better your just like your father you can fix any thing." Then she said

" it's my speciality and I care about you ralph(she closed her eyes as she said it) and I really want you to forgive me" she hugged me tighter and she was crying and in new that cause my shirt was wet. Then I sat down my bowl of soup and I put my arms around her and said

" tori I'll never be mad at you I know you didn't mean to do it I'll always forgive you"

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